Sunday, December 16, 2012

My First Love

Do you ever get tired of other people pushing certain buttons in your life that produce a negative response from you?  Have you ever found yourself thinking, “If they would just change, it would be so much easier to love them.  If they would stop being so negative, I would be much happier and at peace.  If they didn’t test my patience, I wouldn’t get so upset with them all the time.  If they would just listen better and get a clue, I wouldn’t react that way.  If they would be a little nicer to me, I wouldn’t be so harsh with them.  If my circumstances were different, life would be a lot more enjoyable.  If... If… If…”?  How many of you have waited for circumstances or someone else to change so that your life could be better?   How many of you have allowed your life to be controlled by emotions?

I’ve been in similar places myself and want to share what my journey has looked like as God has shown me how to overcome this.  As many of you know, I have a personal relationship with the Lord, but I haven’t always had this type of relationship in my life.  What I am going to share with you stems from discovering my true identity and living out of that place.  I’m sure many of you have heard the saying, “Be careful what you ask for…”  God is faithful to answer prayers, but you may find yourself going through a process that you don’t like or didn’t sign up for.  Sometimes God will use challenging situations in our lives to teach and test us.  When this happens, do you allow Him to be your source of strength or do you let your emotions get the best of you?  If you want more of His love, prepare to be tested.  If you want more of His patience, prepare to be tested.  You get the idea……  He is faithful to answer our prayers, not in the way we expected but in the way He had planned, but are you willing to let your flesh die so He can be made alive and reflect Himself through you?  All of us will come to that pivotal fork in the road where we have two choices: stay in control or surrender the reigns to God.  That’s not to say that you only have to choose once and then the rest of life is a piece of cake.  No, we wake up every morning with the choice of how we are going to live our life and who we are going to live it for.  That doesn’t mean our circumstances or the people around us will automatically change, but as you lay down your life for Him I know that your perspective will change.
For the past few years I have been asking the Lord to show me what HIS love really looks like – to take me deeper into His heart.  I’ve always known that God is a loving God, but I will openly admit that until recently I never fully understood what it meant to be personally loved by God and to love Him with all my heart, soul, mind and strength [Mark 12:30].  When I’d hear people talk about having an intimate relationship with the Lord, often times it made me feel uncomfortable because my understanding of intimacy was skewed.  We are all created with the desire to do good and to love, but until we fully receive the Father’s love we will always be incomplete.  I think of the line in the movie Jerry McGuire, “You complete me.”  I have encountered this kind of Father’s love in my life and it has completed me, but it did require me to let go of insecurities and go outside my comfort zone so my walls could come down.
God took my understanding of His love to a whole new level, and it all began when I did the “Love Dare” on my husband, Josh, back in 2010 for his 34th birthday.  I thought this would be a creative way to show Josh just how much I loved him, but little did I know that God had plans of His own.  God humbled me in areas where my heart had become hardened and I didn’t even realize it or was too prideful to admit.  I thought I understood His love until I encountered situations where the Holy Spirit brought conviction to my heart.  These verses have gone from my head to my heart and I have been forever changed by them and continue to ask the Lord to take me even deeper into His heart of love.  I want to know how high, how deep, how wide HIS love is.
In Matthew 5:44-48 Jesus says, “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so? Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.”
Through these verses the Lord showed me some “enemies” of mine that I was not responding to with His love.  Sure, they may have caused pain in my life, but God showed me that they still deserved His love.  He also showed me times where I wasn’t responding to my own husband and children with His love because I allowed them to be my source of love instead of allowing Him to be my source of love.  When we allow other things/people to be our source of love or happiness we will always be disappointed.  I love my husband and my children bring happiness into my life, but if those things were taken away does that mean my love and happiness would be taken away also?  No, because they are not my source of love, joy and peace – He is!  So, how did I reach this point…….?
How many of you have people in your life that you just can’t stand to be around sometimes and you wonder why they have to be a part of your life?  Don’t everyone answer all at once…..!  If we’re honest with ourselves, we’ve probably experienced someone like this at least once.  There has been someone in my life, not by my own choosing, that I’ve had to deal with and I would sometimes find myself thinking, “If only they didn’t exist” or “Why me God?”  It got to a point in my life where I was tired of allowing the way they treated me to trigger a negative reaction from me.  I asked the Lord to show me why this was happening and how I could stop being so reactive when so-and-so pushed my buttons.  When this person would treat me poorly, I would allow myself to get frazzled.  The Lord showed me that I had allowed the enemy to plant a seed of bitterness in my heart towards them because I didn’t feel they were deserving of love.  The more we try to hide from God, even though He already knows it all, the more vulnerable we become to opening a door for the enemy to attack us and hold us in bondage.  The greatest defense we can have against the enemy is to maintain an honest heart before God.  This person hurt my feelings and treated me poorly even though I had done nothing wrong, but all I wanted was to “stick it to this person”.  The Lord reminded me of the above verses in Matthew and how I am called to love my enemies and those who treat me poorly.  If I hate my brother but say “I love God” I am a liar.  [1 John 4:18-21If you say “I love you God” but don’t trust Him, do you really love Him?  I thought I was carrying God’s love with me because I loved my family, friends, etc. and did good deeds, and yet the Holy Spirit revealed to me in the most gentle way that I was not loving the people He has called me to love – which is EVERYONE – including those that don’t love me back or treat me very kindly.  He also showed me that I didn’t fully love and trust Him.  Wow Lord, what do I do with that?  His answer, “Allow me to be your first love.”  He doesn’t ask us to be a doormat for people to abuse us, and we have to know how to set healthy boundaries, but if you want to learn what His love looks like and to be a carrier of it, you must allow Him to be your first love because He is love and without His love we gain nothing [1 Corinthians 13:3].  When you love Him above all else, yes even your spouse, parents, children, family [Matthew 10:37-39], His love will naturally flow through you and out of you as you continue to remain in Him.  John 15:5 – “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."  It is this kind of love that will change the world.  It is this kind of love that will be a light for people in a very dark world.  It is this kind of love that keeps you from being offended and prompts you to quickly forgive others.  Why this kind of love?  Because it is coupled with the power of Jesus!  When you choose to respond with His love, the power comes.  When you choose not to respond with His love, your peace and joy can be stolen because you are distancing yourself from Him.  Remember that He never leaves us, but sometimes we choose to leave Him or distance ourselves from Him.  It is always your choice!  How deep do you want to go with Him?
The person I referenced in my example didn’t have to enter my life in order for God to show me His love, but He used this situation for good in my life because I love Him and asked Him to.  Sometimes we go through things in life or make choices that are not part of His plan.  Just like in the beginning with Adam and Eve, it wasn’t part of God’s plan for them to sin and disobey Him by partaking of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  He gave them freewill.  They had a choice.  The enemy deceived them by making their choice appear to be good even though it went against what God told them.  The enemy is really good at bringing about doubt, fear, confusion and division.  Adam and Eve chose to reject God’s command by disobeying, but God knew this was going to happen and He had a plan to redeem them and restore their relationship with Him.  Romans 8:28 states that He works all things together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purposes.
When I am connected to the vine (Jesus) my circumstances and emotions don’t rule my life.  Yes, He gave us emotions: anger, sadness, etc., but He doesn’t want us to stay there and live out of a place of emotions otherwise they start to become the driving force in our lives.  I thank God for showing me how to allow His Word to become alive in my heart.  I trust the Lord and love Him above all else.  Although I may falter at times and definitely don’t have all the answers, He is first in my life and I would have it no other way.  If you’ve never experienced the love of the Father in a personal way, ask Him for it!  If you want your roots to be planted in Him because you are tired of the cycle you’ve been going through, receive Him now and enjoy the ride!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Open Doors

A desire and passion to write has really sprung forth in me, and I’m thankful for the opportunity to share in writing what has been going on in our lives.  It’s been over 2 months since my last post, but I hope to write more frequently as the Lord places things on my heart to share.
For the past few months Josh has been applying for one job after the other.  We came back from Africa knowing that we did not want to come back to going through the motions of life.  The Lord made it very clear that Josh was not to settle for just any job because He had the perfect plan for him and our family.  We released our dreams to God and shared with Him our desires for our family.  Our heart has been that Josh would get a job where he can positively impact others and pour out God’s love openly and freely.  We have consistently prayed that God would continue to close doors that He didn’t want us walking through.  It’s so easy to try and force doors to open, and sometimes we walk through doors that appear to be good but get us a little off track.  However, God has given us a vision for our lives and we are excited to live out our dreams with Him and do whatever He asks of us!

Payment for coaching football and teaching a student from George Fox University recently ended, which left us with our only source of income – unemployment – scheduled to end in February.  Although we have been completely at peace with our circumstances, we couldn’t help but wonder just exactly what the Lord was up to.  There has been an excitement in our spirits for what is/was to come!  Then on December 7th Josh was offered and accepted a position as Program Coordinator for the Salvation Army.  He will be working at the family crisis shelter, and it is the perfect opportunity for him to share the love of God with those that may be struggling to see The Light at the end of the tunnel.  Although the pay is a substantial decrease from his teaching salary, the Lord made it clear that we should not let money be the deciding factor for rejecting the job.  We trust the Lord with all of our heart and are choosing not to lean on our own understanding [Proverbs 3:5].  It’s a choice that we must make daily.  We must choose to stay connected to the vine (Jesus) in order for Him to produce fruit in us – His love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  All fruitfulness comes out of a place of intimacy, and we love going deeper with our Father every day simply because we love Him above all else!  For the past few years God has placed our family in many circumstances that really put our faith and trust in Him to the test.  Through it all He has shown us how to live a life of freedom and authentic faith, willing to take risks, instead of living out of a place of fear or “what-ifs”.  He has replaced our fears with a personal touch of His love [1 John 4:18].  Instead of putting our trust and dependence in ourselves and man, we have turned to fully trusting in Him with all areas of our lives [Psalm 118:8].  He is our source for everything!

When Josh was asked not to return to Initial Point High School this year, we took this to the Lord and asked Him to provide a way for us to continue pouring into these kids’ lives because they held a special place in our hearts and His.  We’ve been asking Him for the youth/teens in this area, and He has honored and responded to our hearts.  We’ve been given the opportunity to hold a class in our home called “Unjerkness 101”.  The point of the class is how to live a selfless life in a selfish world.  It has been an amazing time connecting with everyone that has come and we honor and praise Him for the transformation that is happening in the lives of others.  All for His glory!!

One thing that was prophesied over us while in Africa was this: “It won’t be one or the other but both and more.”  He has opened two (both) amazing doors for us and we know that more is coming!!  A question that God has put on my heart for all to ponder is this – do you trust God OR do you simply believe God?  If you don’t know the difference, ask Him to show you and He will [Matthew 7:7]!

Love, peace and joy to all of you!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Home of the Spuds

It’s been 7 weeks now since we’ve been back in the land of the spuds (potatoes - for all you foreigners of Idaho)!  The adjustment has been challenging for our family because of the transformation that took place in our hearts while in Africa.  We miss the simplicity of life there and have become more aware of the many things that battle for our attention back here in the states, but we are fighting to not fall back into the worldly routines of life and focus more on our relationship with the Lord.  God really poured into us while we were in Africa, and we are still processing everything that was imparted and revealed to us.  What we do know is that our eyes were opened to more of His heart and we have fallen more in love with Him!  He continues to show us what it means to love Him with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength.  We love going deeper into His heart because His love never runs out.

We know that some day we will travel again, and possibly even move out of the country, but for now God has called us back to our Jerusalem – Idaho!  We are enjoying the season we are in, simply resting in His presence, but we are excited and hungry for what is to come for the Mason Clan.  We have absolutely no "plan B" and are living our lives fully dependent on Him.  I am still staying at home with the kids and Josh is (for the most part) unemployed.  He is coaching 8th grade football for another week and also teaching one student at George Fox University (once a week) until December, but those are just temporary positions.  Some job opportunities have peaked his interest so we are praying into those and asking God to close the door on ones that are not of Him because we do not want to walk through just any door.  In the meantime, we are allowing the Holy Spirit to guide our steps and impact the culture around us however He wants us to.  Josh has gone to the bar on Saturday nights and prayed over the atmosphere – inviting the Lord’s presence to bring breakthrough and healing for those that are turning to alcohol as a means of comfort.  He offered to drive a drunken man home one night, and through prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit the man became sober immediately upon entering the car.  God is awesome and just being in His presence brings healing!  When we are obedient to the things He asks us to do, He will always come through for us because He is faithful!  I want to be a good steward with the gifts/talents God has given me, and He is showing me some creative ways on how I can take the love of Jesus and impact the culture around me.  God has laid a big dream on our hearts and we are in the infant stages of planning and researching and dreaming more with Him, but we are relying on the Lord to guide our steps because we don’t want to get ahead of Him (Proverbs 16:9).  We don’t know when or where this dream will come to fruition, but until then we are simply loving the journey in between!

The kids are back in school and we did decide to put Christian in public school for kindergarten.  My heart was leaning towards homeschooling, and every time I asked Christian what school he wanted to go to he’d say, “I want to go to mommy’s school at home.”  However, while in Africa the Lord gave me a peace about putting Christian in public school, at least for this year, and simultaneously he spoke to Christian’s heart as well because for the first time since we started talking about school he became excited about going to public school.  Every day he comes home full of joy, and his sister, Jade, has been a big help with hanging out with him in the mornings until the bell rings.  He is coming out of his shell and the Lord is giving him a new sense of courage.


Saturday, August 4, 2012

God's Creation - Big and Small

We’ve heard of people having to chase rats out of their house, and one single guy even found baby rats inside his suitcase (assuming the mama chewed a hole in it to get inside), but thankfully we haven’t encountered such “pets”.  Our house has been covered by His favor and grace!  For the first 8 weeks our house was rodent/bug and tummy sickness free, thank you Jesus (and to those that are interceding in prayer for us)!  Around the 8-week mark, we’ve encountered a few different “creatures.”  For example, while brushing my teeth in the bathroom, I discovered a black “thing” on my shoulder.  I quickly bent towards the ground and began shaking my shirt to get whatever it was off.  I discovered it to be a large cockroach.  It landed on its back with its legs wiggling in the air (trying to flip over).  I happily grabbed a bottle from our back-up water supply storage and smashed the little booger!!  It continued to wiggle so I smashed it again.  I’ve heard that cockroaches are hard to kill, but come on!  This same evening as we were headed to bed, I pointed out to Josh (who was already lying in bed) that there was a cockroach on the mosquito net.  He thought I was kidding so I repeated it again.  When he realized I was serious, he climbed out of bed to smash the cockroach.  Before he even had a chance, it fell to the ground and began running at lightning speed – at least that’s how we felt in the moment!  We couldn’t find the little booger and eventually started tearing our bed apart – literally removing the mattress from its frame.  We eventually found it on one of the slats.  We could have easily grabbed the slat and taken care of business, but we both wanted to take a picture so that we’d have proof of our story. As I went to take a picture, it scampered off once again.  We had our moment and blew it.  We looked behind the headboard, curtains, and even started pulling out suitcases from under the bed.  Finally we thought we had it trapped beneath one of our suitcases.  We came up with a game plan.  As Josh yanked the suitcase away, it was my job to smash it with a broom.  Great plan, right?!?!  I had the broom in my left hand and the camera in my right hand.  Of course I hadn’t given up on getting a picture!  I swung at the cockroach while taking a picture, mind you, and wouldn’t you know – I missed!  Go figure right?!  I began dancing around, squealing and giggling, because I didn’t want it on my feet.  At first Josh didn’t find the humor in it, but then he joined in on the joy and laughter!  In the end, we were victorious and captured the little bug.  The next morning our house parents told us they had heard some commotion and giggling the night before but had decided it was best not to come knock on our door….wise decision! And so we shared our story with them…….  God’s creation is beautiful, but sometimes I wonder about certain rodents and bugs!

The Great Physician

I’ve never been a real big fan of going to hospitals or doctors because most of the time it means someone is hurting.  I have learned, though, to go to one of the greatest physicians of all times and His name is Jesus!  Sometimes we don’t realize the depth of our hurts until we allow a doctor to examine us.  As I have learned to open up more of my heart to the Lord, He has been able to heal areas of hurt that continued to resurface.  When faced with certain situations, often times a button would get triggered that produced undesirable reactions from me.  While being here in Africa, God has revealed to me a small seed of bitterness that was starting to grow within my heart.  As I acknowledged this bitterness and laid my hurts down at His feet, He washed away that bitterness and began sowing seeds of sweetness in its place.  Just as He turned bitter water into wine, He also took my bitterness and turned it into His sweet grace.  Romans 12:15 states that it is unhealthy to allow roots of bitterness to spring up because it will cause much trouble and defile many.  When we fail to extend the grace of God to others, this is how the embryo of bitterness begins to develop.  As I gaze more into His eyes, He continues to heal my heart and free me of the unnecessary burdens I have been carrying.  In these same situations my coping mechanisms are changing as the Lord continues to humble me, and I am more freely able to extend grace and forgiveness and even a simple, “I’m sorry,” even if it means swallowing my pride of “being right”.  Being right isn’t as important as protecting one’s relationship with someone you love and care for, a lesson that at times was a challenge for me because of unfruitful seeds I was carrying.  The Holy Spirit is teaching me that “in my head knowledge” I may theoretically be right, but He often asks me to examine my heart.  Faith, hope, love…the greatest of these is love (1 Corinthians 13:13).  My lifelong question - in my actions and heart, am I choosing to love above all else?  It isn’t always easy to swallow our pride and prefer someone over ourselves (Philippians 2:3-4).  It isn’t always easy to love those that are challenging to love (Matthew 5:43-48).  It isn’t always easy to resist the urge to retaliate or seek revenge when someone hurts us (Romans 12:17), but it is the right thing to do because that’s what Jesus did!  Many people fear seeking this kind of healing, because in all honesty the process of being transparent and “weeding” our lives can hurt, but the end result is FREEDOM and there is nothing more beautiful than that.  Here in Africa we’ve worshipped to these lyrics, “You make beautiful things, You make beautiful things out of dust.”  In Genesis 2:7 it teaches how God made the first man, Adam, from the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils.  Throughout life, and maybe even now, some of you might feel like dust, dirt or ashes on the ground.  However, there is a lifelong lesson spoken in this verse – you can trade in your ashes in exchange for beauty because He loves you so much!!  He can make something out of nothing!!  He sees you as beautiful!!  Take a moment to ask Him how He sees you.  Write down what comes to mind.  Let Him write you a love letter.
Many times we try to fix ourselves and produce our own fruits, but in the end those fruits begin to die when we are not connected to the true vine which is Jesus (John 15).  Apart from Jesus we can do nothing.  He is the ultimate heart surgeon and will give you the best transplant you could ever receive in life.  As the lyrics in this song states, “Open up your heart and let me in.” "Come Away"  Some of you know about Jesus/God but you do not know Jesus/God on a personal (relationship) level.  If that is you and you are ready for the next step of receiving the Lord into your heart, take a moment now to do so.  Acknowledge that God sent His son, Jesus, to die for you on the cross so that you might have life.  Acknowledge that He has washed away your sins on the cross.  Receive Him as your personal Savior and give Him complete control over your life.  This is the most important decision you will ever make in your life and you won’t regret it!  God gave me a picture in the clouds of two hearts becoming one.  There is more to this story, but the message God gave to me was this: as we adjust our lenses to focus more on Him, our heart will become one with His.  He is after our hearts.  Let your heart hunger for more of Him and expect the greatest transplant of your life!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Close to the Beginning

Post from Josh: Today is July 31st and we are coming to the end of our school. As of this afternoon, we only have 4 days left in regular class and we graduate in 9 days. I am eager to watch what God is going to do in our lives when we return home. He has given us a heavenly starting point and we know He will guide our life as we remain yielded and submitted to Him. We feel confident that we will return home to the beginning of a new life in Him and a complete life change as a result of our time here in Mozambique. We expect big things to take place!
One of the main themes of our school is this question: “What does love look like?” This question, along with the teaching that we have received, has challenged me to take a look at how I live my everyday life. It has made me take a very long look at how I respond to my wife and kids, friends here on the base, people outside in the villages and cities, and even those who really get on my nerves. I know now that “love looks like something”. Love is not about doing good things!!!!! Let me write that another way – Authentic Christians don’t just do nice things because it feels good or because their church said to. True followers of Christ do what He did – they really love people. They really see who people are. They take care of the widowed and orphaned. They take care of the poor. Followers of Christ don’t depend on their church to do it for them. They look to emulate Jesus. Even lost people do nice things, once in a while. Love looks like Jesus!! The greatest example of how I need to live my life is in the New Testament and I have finally received a new revelation of what it looks like to love people.
Here on the huge continent of Africa, in a country which used to be the poorest in the entire world, it seems so easy to love people. They are so open to us westerners and most love us to talk with them and just give our time to them. Recently, a major leader here was walking through the village on a Monday and came across an older woman who was clearly blind as her eyes were mostly white and she was not focused on anything. This leader sat down and began a conversation with her. This leader asked her name and was told that she didn’t have a name. No one really spoke to this woman because she was blind and, consequently, she didn’t have a name. Can you imagine not having a name? Do you know anyone or heard of someone without a name? As the leader asked if she had a name before in her life she was told that if she did she couldn’t remember it and that she certainly didn’t have a name now. The leader gave her a new name in her heart language (native language). Translated, the name means “you are” or “you exist”. The power in a name can be life changing. The leader then asked to pray for her and her sight was restored to her. She regained her sight, received a new name, and met the One who is the One that completely transformed her life in a few minutes time. How did this all happen? Well, I believe it’s because this leader knows what love is, knows her true identity in Jesus Christ, and knows that our God is greater than any other! Hallelujah!! The great thing is that these types of stories are common here. We know that we were not sent here to “help the orphans” or “work with those less fortunate”. We were sent here to Mozambique to experience what love looks like as followers of Jesus. We were sent here to have a complete heart change!
We return to the continent of North America in less than two weeks and I fully expect to heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, and transform the western church in Jesus name. Although I can’t share all of what God placed on our hearts for the future, I know that God has called us to the dark corners of the Treasure Valley, to take the Gospel of Jesus to those who don’t know Him, who have rejected Him, or who need to return to Him. We have accepted our mission and hope all of you will join us!! 
We are on the brink of something radical in Idaho and I know that we will see a great harvest sooner than later!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

For Our 2nd Family - Vineyard Meridian

Post from Josh: I’ve been thinking about our awesome church back home lately. God has flooded my heart with love for all of you. I am so proud to call Vineyard Meridian my church home. I am blessed to have such amazing leaders in my life. Could you agree that Randy and Reeni Rodes are astounding?? I can’t wait to get back and worship our Almighty Savior with you. We miss you tremendously and are so thankful for each and every one of you. 
Here on the IRIS base, our Harvest School is currently in the midst of a 24/7 prayer time which lasts for 7 days. We have been assigned a few 2-hour slots throughout the week but can go to the prayer hut any time to intercede. We were specifically asked to pray for Pemba, the IRIS base, and our Harvest School classmates. My first slot was yesterday afternoon with a group of people we are very familiar to. One person brought a guitar and another person a violin. As they started to play, His presence fell on the open-air prayer hut we were in. I could smell a sweet aroma like flowers and could feel Him just residing with us. I immediately picked up my bible and started to read. As I read through Philippians, Holy Spirit prompted me to intercede for Vineyard Meridian and all of the staff. I prayed for all of you fervently. Know that intercession was going up for you from the other side of the world.
After a very intense prayer time which lasted quite some time (I’m not really sure how long), God told me to pick up my bible again and open it. I asked Him where I was to open to and He said to just open it. I kind of chuckled in the back of my mind thinking that it was just me having a conversation with myself instead of God speaking. However, He got my attention again and said to open it quickly. How many of you know that God knows you better than you know yourself? He knows how you think, knows your self-imposed inadequacies, knows the mistakes you will make before you make them, and knows how you will respond to His prompting. But God (I love this!!!) still calls you His beloved, still says you are seated at the right-hand of the Father, and will still change the world through you!!!! Amen? Okay, back to the story.
I took my closed bible in my hands and with a large smile on my face, I opened it. Page 739 was at the top of my bible. It was Lamentations 3. The very first verse on that page is verse 21. God said read 4 verses and then go back to read all of chapter 3. Here are those 4 verses:
“But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of Lord never ceases; His mercies never      come to an end; they are new every morning; Great is your faithfulness. ‘The Lord is my portion’, says my soul, ‘therefore I will hope in Him’.” 
I went back to read all of chapter 3 and would encourage you all to read it. I feel like God is saying that He is the God of healing, He is the God of prosperity, and He is the God of grace. However, He is also the God who said that trials and tribulations will come. I feel like God is saying that Vineyard Meridian is about to see something new, something never seen before. God says to prepare your hearts. Prepare to experience a new joy, prepare to experience a new grace, and prepare to experience a new peace that surpasses all previous understanding. 
God is so faithful to His word and I know we are in store for something new and awesome! Take just a few quotes I’ve heard here in Mozambique and chew on them a bit. I hope a little taste of the teaching here can be imparted through this post. These are just a few of the ones that have completely blown me away. I am not going to give the names of the speakers but they are legit and anointed.
Here they are:
 - “It’s time to stop asking questions and start releasing answers.”
- “It doesn’t matter if we take a nap or raise the dead, the pay is the same.” (Just for Randy)
- “Trust and strength come from rest and quietness with God.”
- “We can have truth but not be free.”
- “God doesn’t ask for more than who you are. He just asks for everything.”
- “If we have access to all heavenly blessings, what are we going to do with them?”
- “ EVERYTHING in the kingdom begins with desire.”
- “Our conviction has to be stronger than our comfort.”
- “The true fear of the Lord is being absolutely obedient no matter the cost.”
- “It’s just not that bad to be saved.”
- “How about instead of praying for revival, let’s have one!!”
- “Don’t judge God and how He feels about you by what He did for someone else.”
- “Trust God for everything and give Him the credit.”
- “The obedience to the Word of God opens heaven.”
I have so many more that I hope to share with you when we come home. 
Thank you all for your prayers and support. We love you very much and look so forward to serving God with you when we return. Our hearts desire is for you to be blessed today, and every day!!!
See you all very soon!
Josh Mason

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Two Words

Post by Mindy: Shortly upon arriving in Africa God laid on my heart these two words: unity and honor.  He highlighted how many people are divided in their core beliefs and have turned their eyes to man but that He wants to bring unity back to His Church.  HE is the core and many have lost sight of that.  It breaks His heart that many have taken their eyes off Him and instead have let the waves toss them to and fro and have been carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning and by craftiness in deceitful schemes (Ephesians 4:14).  It breaks His heart to see many “chewing up and spitting out” their own family members (look at this from a natural and kingdom perspective).  He sees many churches that have been reinvented and become less dependent on Him and the power of the Holy Spirit and more dependent on man’s cleverness and puffed up knowledge.  The gospel is pretty simple – we have a personal Savior!  When you’re convicted of that, you won’t put aside the gospel for your own life or another’s.  Instead, you will lay down your life for HIM!  In Ephesians 4 Paul says, “There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all.  God is waiting for His Church to attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God so that we grow up in every way into Him who is the head, into Christ.”  Speaking from my own heart, I desire to be a vessel for Him and want to play a part in bringing unity back to His Church.  God has been healing wounds within my own family which has kept us from being in full unity.  He is helping me to “adjust my lenses” to see more of His heart.  He is teaching me how to better honor my husband, Josh, simply by opening the eyes to my heart so I can see and love Josh the way He sees and loves Josh.  I am definitely not perfect at it, but as I focus more on the Father’s heart (staying in Him and not just around Him) and humble myself before Him, He continues to chisel away at the rough edges.  It is vital to focus on the first and greatest commandment because without love we gain nothing (1 Corinthians 13:3).  Love the LORD your God with all your heart, soul and strength.  People define love in many ways, but the only love that transforms lives and brings true freedom is the love of the Father!  He showed us what this looks like through the life of Jesus.

He continues to speak into my identity, as only He can, and is helping me to view others in the same light that He sees them.  We are to honor the potential of who someone is and not focus on their sin or faults.  When a person messes up they usually know it.  We don’t need to point out people’s shortcomings.  We need to love them to Christ.  The Holy Spirit has been convicting me of ways in which I have been dishonoring to my husband and not loving Him the way Jesus taught me to.  I haven’t been ignorant of this, but the Lord is pointing me to the source of my hurts and why I react a certain way when my buttons get pushed.  He is pulling the weeds out by their roots and replacing them with fresh seed so He can produce more of His fruit through me as I allow Him to nurture me.

It’s hard to show honor to someone when they hurt your feelings, don’t agree with you or don’t honor you back, but most of the time people react the way they do or treat people the way they do because they haven’t fully surrendered their life to the Lord and don’t know their true identity.  As we walk in our true identity, we will begin to see people the way Jesus does, and we will be able to respond to them with unconditional love the way Jesus does.  Even if one hasn’t given their life fully over to the Lord, we are to see them as a potential child of God – a prince or princess – royalty…because that’s who they/we are!!  You know who you are when you know the I AM!  You don’t have to fix yourself or be “worthy” enough to be in His presence.  Some of you reading this may think that God doesn’t like you or is disappointed in you because of choices you’ve made in life, or the enemy has told you lies that you’re just not good enough or you’re not doing enough to please God.  God doesn’t like our sins but He loves us no matter what!!  We don’t have to please Him because He is already pleased with us.  We don’t have to earn His love because He loved us first.  We don’t have to earn our salvation because Jesus already paid the price.  We simply have to receive the gospel message – that God rescued us from death by sending His son to die for us on the cross so that we might have life with Him for eternity.  There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus and we all need to stop listening to the lies of the enemy.  God’s love never fails, never gives up, never runs out on us!  Wherever you are in life, it’s never too late to get up and follow Jesus.  He is always pursuing you even if you aren’t pursuing Him.
I knew that God was going to do a great thing in our family, and He is cleansing our hearts to rid of the things that are not of Him.  To be transparent, the enemy really tried to divide Josh and I for a few weeks while here.  We were hitting walls when trying to communicate and reacting out of hurts, and we couldn’t seem to get past this hurdle.  When it came time to go on our weekend outreach, we were even divided about our entire family going.  Even though God made it clear from the beginning that we were to do certain events together as a family, the enemy tried to bring discouragement and doubt into the situation.  At first we failed to protect our relationship with the Lord and became frustrated and distant with each other, but then we fought against the attacks of the enemy and acknowledged that he was trying to divide us.  If God wanted us to go on outreach, we knew His favor and grace would be upon us because He highlighted 2 Corinthians 12:9 and His word does not turn void!  We will share about our experience with outreach in person, but we want to remind you all how serious the spiritual battle is right now.  We don’t fight against flesh and blood but against the rulers, authorities, cosmic powers over this present darkness and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.  We know that God has already won the end battle, but in order for us to take back ground that was stolen by the enemy, we must stay in unity and keep our eyes focused on Him.  That is the key.  How do we do that?  Simple.  By living our life out of the first commandment.  By loving God and allowing our hearts to become one with His.  He wants a bride that is caught up with Him and not the world.  Who’s ready to spend their life proving their love to the Lord?  What does it look like to you to love God with all your heart, mind and strength?

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Life in Africa

Post from Mindy: A few weeks ago there was a change in our living situation.  The family from Germany that we have been living with moved into a new living quarter that was recently constructed.  We miss their company on a daily basis, but Josh and I are enjoying the relocation of the kids in their own bedroom because it has given us much needed space and privacy.  Josiah continued to sleep in his travel tent with us for about 1 more week, but then we decided to have him sleep in the crib and move Gracie onto the bottom bunk with Christian because the travel tent was becoming a bit claustrophobic for him.  The first night we put Josiah in the crib, he layed down, looked at me with a smile and then said, “Bye, bye.”  It was like he was telling me, “I’m going to be okay in my new sleeping quarters, Mom.  Go ahead and leave me for the night.”  Josh and I can actually talk about our day without concern for waking up one of the kids now.  Our house parents from the UK still live with us in the same house.  The kids’ room is literally big enough to fit the bunk bed and cot (aka crib) in and that’s about it.  God continues to show us how blessed we are and that less really is better in many ways!  It is a daily occurrence to see children walk around with holey clothes, broken flip flops or no shoes at all, dirty or miss-matched clothes, and I am quite humbled by the way in which some Mozambicans here view life.  They are grateful for the clothes they do have on their back, no matter what condition.  The IRIS children – they aren’t in love with their possessions because they know everything comes from God and they simply love their Jesus!!  During my quiet time one morning I was listening to some music and the lyrics to one of the songs was, “What would the world be like if we let Jesus live through you and me?”  Some great words to ponder and take to the Lord…  How is He living through you?

On Father’s Day we spent some time at the beach and some of Josh’s students from the outside village came to spend time with us.  One of them, a boy named Caita, had this bead bracelet on.  I pointed to it and asked if he made it.  He told me no, that someone else had made it.  I told him it was cool.  He then proceeded to take it off and hand it to me.  At first I thought maybe he was just showing it to me, giving me a closer look, but then I realized that he was actually giving it to me as a token of friendship.  I was quite honored and humbled by his generosity – and yet such an act came so naturally to him.  He wanted to give me his best, with no hesitation, even though he didn’t have much to give.  A part of me wanted him to keep it for himself, but I knew that it would be honoring to him if I received the gift he wanted to give me.  His motives were so pure and righteous.  He simply wanted to bless me.

There is a family of 10 here and almost daily we find Christian over on their front porch hanging out with his new buddy, Ethan.  I think it’s pretty cool that God has blessed Christian with a friend named Ethan during the summer while he is away from his older brother, Ethan, back in Idaho.  Christian is growing up fast.  We celebrated his 5th birthday on June 22nd.  Mid-morning he began fighting a fever, but for the most part he got to enjoy his special day.  The night prior we celebrated with a home-made chocolate airplane cake and home-made banana/coconut ice cream.  Many of the kids made birthday cards for him, and one friend gave him one of his very own books.  He was definitely showered with the love of Jesus.  One of the Harvest students gave Christian this little lego knight at the time of his eye injury, and it wasn’t until a week or so later that we found out the special meaning to it.  This student, Shawna, is from Canada, and she told us how the Holy Spirit had prompted her to buy this lego knight before leaving for Africa.  When she arrived to Africa she would give it to someone very special.  That someone special turned out to be Christian!  We call it his warrior.  Christian is a prayer warrior for the Lord and loves to pray for people, so we see this gift as prophetic for ways in which God is going to use Christian to pray for and heal the sick.  God simply looks for a heart that is willing to do His work here on earth, and it is a common occurrence for children to heal the sick here in Africa.  As Jesus says, “Unless you become like a child, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven.”  The children’s faith here is so innocent and they expect only the best from their Heavenly Daddy!

We have our own personal greeter at the house – Josiah.  He says “hi” and “bye” to everyone that crosses our way.  Often times he will continue to say “bye” until he can’t see the person anymore.  He is beginning to talk more and more and even tries to say a few words in Portuguese or Makuwa like “obragada – thank you” and “salama – hello”.  He even says 3-word sentences now.  He had a recent breakthrough where he will now go to our house parent, Mama Bev.  He was looking at a frog that was sitting on our front porch when all of a sudden the frog hopped toward him.  He screamed and squealed and then ran into the arms of Mama Bev, who up until this point couldn’t get Josiah to come to her.  It was a wonderful moment.  Papa Alan then came to the house and was playing peek-a-boo with him.  While in the other room getting Christian ready for bed, I could hear Josiah continue to giggle.  He is so full of God’s joy and I’m excited for what God has in store for His life.

A couple of Sundays ago, as Gracie was asleep in my arms, I went towards the front to worship.  Many visitors were being prayed for, and God highlighted one in particular to me.  I don’t know her name or where she was from, but she was soaking in the presence of the Lord.  While doing so, one young Mozambican girl was gently brushing her head/hair and fanning her off with a paper.  Another young girl was sitting at her feet praying for her while also wearing a sling with an infant wrapped inside.  She was caring for this infant while blessing this visitor, whom she didn’t even know personally.  God spoke to me during this time and told me that I don’t need to use my kids as an excuse for not being able to do the things He’s asked me to do.  As I am obedient to Him, He will take care of all hurdles.

There was a conference this past weekend with over 1,000 additional pastors/visitors here from all over the world.  Due to the increase in numbers, they shut off the water supply until late at night.  To wash dishes we would have to fill our wash bowl from a large tub of water, but as soon as the water would turn back on we’d scramble to refill our tubs, water bottles and take quick showers.  You can imagine the excitement in the house and how quickly we moved to replenish our water supply before it shut off again! J  The other night we boiled macaroni noodles for dinner, and as we were about to rinse them off we discovered black things floating to the top.  We thought maybe it was just burnt flakes from the bottom of the pan, but as we looked more closely we discovered that they were BUGS!!  Somehow either a bug was present when they were packaged or there was a hole in the bag and one got in.  We tossed the noodles and went to get a fresh bag of spaghetti noodles, but to our amazement that bag was full of bugs as well.  Uck!!  Our house parents were gracious enough to bless us with one of their bags of noodles, which I will gladly say was BUG FREE!  We got to enjoy a nice meal after all.  Although, from now on I will be more cautious about checking our food before cooking/eating it!

We were scheduled to attend our weekend outreach to the bush-bush on Thursday, July 5th (Jade’s 10th birthday), but it has been postponed for a later date.  Many prayers will be needed during that time so we will keep you posted as best as we can once we receive our new departure date.  It is such a joy to be a vessel for the One and Only, and we are ecstatic to see God move more and more in the next 5 weeks.  Maybe He will send us to a village with witchdoctors so the power of God can move and set them free!!  We celebrated Jade’s birthday with french toast and bananas for dinner, and then a chocolate “beach” cake for dessert.  She had a sleepover with one of her friends from Canada, although, the Imam woke them up at 4am in the morning so they didn’t sleep well after that.  Nonetheless, it will be a very memorable birthday celebration for her as she turned double-digits while in Africa.  Thank you to everyone for all the birthday wishes to the kids.  My next blog will reveal more of my heart and the things God has been showing me while here.  We love you all and can’t wait to see/talk with you again!

Everything is Bigger in Africa

Post from Josh: I have heard the saying that everything is bigger in Africa and I believe it to be true in many cases. Being here in Mozambique has been unforgettable so far and I am utterly thankful to the One who is the One for bringing us here. He has truly blessed us!! I am so in love with Jesus that I could burst. I’ve put together a list of things that are bigger here in Africa. Enjoy!

Bugs – Yes, the bugs are definitely bigger. From the crazy biting ants which inflict a good wound to the very, very large grasshoppers (aka locusts) to the massive banana spiders, they really are bigger here. There are ants that are 2 inches long and very aggressive. We don’t have too many around but I’ve heard enough stories to know I don’t need to see more.
We were sitting at an outdoor restaurant at night and I saw this thing flying around. It looked like a small bird, maybe a hummingbird, but not as fluid in flight. It turned out to be a flying grasshopper. What? The family was having a lazy afternoon after class one day when one of the single guys came around with the largest spider I’ve seen in the wild. It was a banana spider that was VERY large. The body was literally 4-5 inches long and the legs were a good 4 inches more. It was crawling all over him. Apparently, they are deadly poisonous but can’t bite us because their mouths are too small. Hmmmm…… One Sunday, Gracie had to go #2 during church so I took her home to take care of it (no bathrooms at church only latrines – aka holes in the ground). I took her in and reached down to grab a roll of TP to get her some. As I lifted the roll, I saw something fall from the inside of the roll. It hit the ground and immediately coiled up. It was a very large black millipede. I let out a mini scream like a little girl. The funny thing is it didn’t bother Gracie at all. I didn’t smash it but got something to get it out of there.

I have seen more types of beetles, roaches, ugly things, moths, and butterflies than anywhere else I’ve been. The mozzies (the Australian/UK way to say mosquito….yes with a funny accent) are the only bug that’s not bigger. They are small and only come out at night. These disease carrying menaces are the least threatening looking bugs here. In fact, I’ve killed more mozzies than any other bug. They don’t fly as fast as the ones at home and are way smaller. Easy prey!! I’m on the hunt for mozzies in Mozambique!

Rain – The rain is crazy here! It is so amazing to listen to and watch. It can rain for 1 minute and I guess the accumulation is more than 1 inch. The rain drops are HUGE and when they come down hard, it’s really cool. It’s rained a few times at night and it sounds like a tornado coming through. The kids sleep right through it. For those that know the song, “Let it Rain”, we always sing it in class or church when it rains. If you’ve never heard it, fire up your fast internet machine and give it a listen.

Fish – My son Ethan (miss you buddy!!!!) and I like to fish together but we’ve never caught anything like the fish I’ve seen at the roadside fish market. Jade and I walked to get some bananas and stopped to look at the fresh fish. There was a parrot fish (I think). It was about 2 feet long and was bright blue and orange. Very cool looking! They also have really big lobster here. Some friends bought some to cook at their house and I was shocked at how big they were. They were cheap too! Every day I’ve been out I’ve seen fresh squid, snapper, swordfish, and many more. It’s one of those things us Idahoans get excited about.

Smiles – No matter where we go, the smiles on the Mozambicans’ faces are large, ear-to-ear grins with bright white teeth showing through. They aren’t asking for anything or expecting a handout. They are genuinely happy to see us. I am overwhelmed at the cheerfulness and authenticity they show us even when we don’t know them. What if we did that back home? Just an authentic smile without expecting something in return. WOW!! Everyone could learn how to smile from these people.

Hearts – I can honestly say that my heart capacity, the ability to love, has been increased here. God has used this beautiful, broken land to change me. The people here know what love is. They know WHO love is!!!!!! They know that without Jesus they would die, some literally! I greet a grandmamma every week in the village named Sofia. She exudes love. The way she greets me knowing very little English melts my heart every time. She kisses each one of my cheeks and greets me in her native language, Makuwa, but then saying Papa Josh with it. I can’t really even explain how awesome it is. We don’t say any other words to each other but our connection is on the heart level. It makes me really think about a simple greeting and how much we take that for granted.

I am teaching English to a group of boys in a village. There is one in particular named Angelo. He speaks very little English, but is learning, and needs so much love. He has no parents, no siblings, no family. He runs to me when he sees me coming. He smiles constantly in church when he is with us. He is so in need of love but gives so much love to our family. I am astounded at how big his heart is. I want to be more like Angelo!! Why?? Simply because he is the face of Jesus. Angelo knows Jesus. I mean he really knows Jesus and he has been taught to love like Jesus did. My prayer is that God continues to expand my heart to love like Jesus did. That’s really all that life is about. Being away from the Western culture has really made that crystal clear to me. I hope I can bring that revelation back from those of you that want it!

God has made things in Africa bigger for a reason! I am thankful for experiencing a small part of the beauty of Mozambique!

Blessings to all of you today!
Josh Mason

Friday, June 29, 2012

God is Amazing

I sit here on June 25th, 2012 at 3:30 pm local time, 7:30 am back home, ready to write to you about how amazingly awesome God is. He really is so astounding, remarkable, wonderful, incredible, marvelous and miraculous. His ways are staggering, mind-boggling and astonishing. He knows us so well that we can be completely stunned and startled at the mere thought of who He is and what He really has done for all of us.
Yesterday, Mindy and I (you are now figuring out that it is Josh blogging this time) celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary. The day started a bit rough as I have been battling a bit of fatigue and exhaustion. I haven’t slept well since we arrived. I think a combination of heat, change of culture, excitement and different sleeping arrangements has all played a part in my lack of sleep. I’ve also figured out that being in very close proximity to all of my children 24/7 is much more taxing than I realized. Regardless, we started our anniversary by wandering over to the church a bit late. Church starts at 9ish here in Pemba. It was exciting to see Papa Rolland here in Pemba. He arrived on Thursday in his new plane. Very cool!! As the service went on for a few hours, we left a bit early as Josiah was asleep in my arms and Gracie in Mindy’s arms. We arrived home, a short walk, to something new for lunch: rice and beans!! Ha! The meal didn’t appeal to me and my wonderful wife let me lie down in bed and brought me a lunch that was much more charming. I was able to get a bit of sleep but, more importantly, I rested kid-free for a few hours. My lovely wife is amazing for taking such good care of me. God has given me new vision for how much I have been blessed by such an extraordinary woman. 
The rest gave me new energy and after we fed the kids dinner and got them to bed, we were able to get out to the Clube Navale, a beautiful restaurant on the beach a short walk away. We enjoyed a great chicken salad, veggie pizza (much better than we thought), a Portuguese roll, and some French chips (fries). It was a wonderful meal. We sat outside in the dark with the waves crashing in the background. They also had a very large screen on the beach where many of us have been watching the soccer matches from Europe. Our anniversary ended with ZERO kids in our room – the first night this has happened since leaving Idaho (more details about a change in living conditions in Mindy’s next blog). Woohoo!! We also found out last night that we wouldn’t have any class today as it is a Mozambican national holiday. Although it was nice to have a morning off, I was looking forward to hearing Papa Rolland speak today. We’ve been waiting for him to arrive for a few weeks now, not that I’m complaining about the other amazing speakers. 
This morning we set off early to a private beach where we could relax and have fun with the kids. We arrived to a scene out of a movie. The white sand beach was gorgeous. The tide was just starting to go out and we were alone for quite some time. Christian and I were able to go exploring in the tide pools and found some cool blue crabs and some grey, spotted ones too. I took Jade out into the surf so she could learn to snorkel. We dodged the nasty black sea urchins and she was able to spot some cool fish. I headed into the tide pool on my own and spotted some of the most beautiful fish I’ve ever seen with the most amazing colors, as well as a few eels and some large urchins. I was able to see fish I’ve never seen before or only seen on TV or movies. God’s creation jumped out at me there on the rocks and I was overwhelmed by how amazing He is. We ended our beach time with some Orange Fanta from the restaurant. 
I say all of this to let you know a bit about our life here but also to ask you to look for God’s miraculous in your own life. I challenge you to find the amazing in your life and thank God today for all that He has blessed you with. Jesus is so alive in the Masonclan and I can’t wait to share our experiences with all of you. 
Blessings to you and your family,
Josh and Mindy Mason

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Feet on the Ground

God’s favor has been upon us the moment we stepped out of our front door in Meridian, Idaho.  Upon arriving at the Boise airport, I laugh at the memory of Josiah leaking through his diaper onto my shirt before even entering the security check.  We, of course, forgot to change his diaper before leaving the house… and so our travel journey with 4 kids begins!  Our luggage fees through Alaska Airlines were waived after the lady overrode their standard policy – thank you Jesus and to those that were praying and standing in the gap for us.  The kids enjoyed their first plane ride and even got to experience a little turbulence.  They giggled at the roller coaster sensation in their tummies; although, Christian kept asking when we were going to ‘crash.’  What he meant to say was ‘land’.  Gotta love the innocent language of kids.  When we got to Seattle and were carrying our 13 bags to the shuttle to head to our hotel, a guy happen to walk by with a cart, hallelujah!  What a blessing because Josh was making multiple trips up and down the stairs with our luggage while I stayed with the kids since there was no elevator.  After going for a swim at our hotel, we ordered pizza for dinner.  Two hours later, yes two hours, we finally got to enjoy our dinner around 9:30pm MST.  Apparently they went to the wrong hotel.  Gracie fell asleep waiting for it, but God blessed us again with a 50% discount off our pizza for the long wait.  The next day we flew out to Amsterdam, a 9-hour flight.  We were blessed with the fact that all of our luggage was going to be checked through to Pemba so no more lugging it all around, praise God!  The kids all traveled well with no flight nausea and very little jet lag.  LAM Airlines is notorious for losing luggage (or having luggage broken into) so prior to our departure I just prayed that God’s angels would link their arms around our entire luggage.  Even after an overnight stay in Johannesburg (without luggage in our possession), our entire luggage arrived safely in Pemba.  That is miraculous and we give all the praise and glory to God!!  Many students arrived at the same time, and the IRIS staff was there to welcome all of us.  We were introduced to our “house parents” from the UK and then took a ride to the Village of Joy where we are living for the summer.  Our wonderful housemates, originally from Germany but live in South Africa, have two children ages 2 and 3 ½.  We have really enjoyed getting to know them and may even come back speaking a little Portuguese AND German.  Our “house” is similar to the size of our house in Idaho, but there are currently 12 people total living in this one space.  Our bedroom, which our entire family shares, consists of a bunk bed, crib and full-sized bed.  After a few nights of adjustment in our new home and praying peace over the kids individually, they began sleeping through the night and the 3AM prayer cries of the Imam – one of the Muslim leaders directly outside of our village.  Josiah even lays down “awake” in his travel bed all by himself.  Thank you God!  We had a pet gecko and back porch banana spider welcome us into our new home.  Stay tuned for pictures!  Fortunately, we haven’t found much else besides 1 dead cockroach and some mysterious bugs that keep biting Josiah and Gracie – possibly bed bugs for which we have sprayed their mattress.  Christian has experienced some bumps and bruises and got a good gash above his right eye, but it has healed up nicely and did not require any stitches, thank you Lord!  Recently Josiah and Gracie have been fighting fevers but no other symptoms have followed.  We believe Josiah might be getting his molars in but it’s difficult to tell.

Josh made a joke about gaining 20 lbs in weight prior to leaving Idaho so that he could lose 40 lbs while in Africa.  However, God may spoil that idea because we are eating better than expected.  Along with our wonderful house parents and housemates, we’ve been able to come up with some creative meals to make good use out of the rice that IRIS provides us.  We went to town and were able to purchase things like peanut butter, jam, eggs (all of which IRIS provides for free weekly now), milk (hallelujah!), veggies, oatmeal, pasta, bananas, etc.  Cost of items is quite expensive compared to Idaho so we limit our purchases to very little, but we also know the Lord is asking us to truly live a simplified life while in Africa.  He is showing us how little we CAN live off of and how so much of what we are used to is based on the world’s standards.  We are provided 2 rolls for breakfast, rice and beans for lunch and then rice and a topping for dinner (i.e. beans, cabbage, matapa aka “green slime” aka spinach, fish, cabbage or chicken).  We do experience consistent crunching with our meals due to the sand and rocks that end up in it, but we are just blessed to have food on the table, and on multiple occasions Christian has given me the arm/fist pump and said, “Yes, we’re having rice and beans today!!”  Definitely God working on his sweet little heart.  Christian is the one who was most rooted in his routine back in Idaho, but he has adjusted very well and God is molding his little heart of clay into something special.  The other day our housemates’ 3 ½ year old daughter ate the entire fish head.  Bless her heart!  Nonetheless, at the end of the day our tummies are full and we feel very blessed.
On our first Friday in Pemba we had no water and that continued for 2 whole days.  This means either no showers or showers by the bucket, no flushing the toilet, no drinking water, etc.  There is a saying at IRIS Harvest that goes like this, “If it’s yellow let it mellow.  If it’s brown flush it down.”  Haha, I think you get the point!  We did have large jugs full of water for such occasions and were able to make due until the water turned back on Sunday afternoon.  We are grateful for the donation of money to buy a water filter because it has come in very handy to build up our drinking supply for when the water source is low or unavailable.  There is no hot water on the base so we have the joy of taking cold showers.  A simple prayer of, “I’m doing this all for you Jesus,” has helped me to rather enjoy the shower now.  The kids did great taking their first cold shower, probably because they were exhausted and hot, but now they take baths in a large tub and we fill it with cold shower water and boiled water so that it’s more bearable for them.  I also experienced the “washing station” where it took me almost 2 hours to hand wash, rinse and hang our laundry.  After the first week IRIS provided laundry ladies for the families to do our laundry twice a week at the cost of 70 mets each load + detergent, which is the equivalent of almost $4/load.  I was planning on doing our second load of laundry myself on the weekend, but Josh and others have talked me into receiving the blessing of having laundry ladies and also blessing them for their service.  If we were to do our own laundry, it would need to be washed, rinsed and hung prior to 8am so that it can be drying while we’re attending class.  All clothes have to be taken down from the line by 5pm because of the mosquitoes.  That means I would need to get up around 5am to complete laundry, shower, eat, get kids ready, etc. prior to leaving for class.  In the end, I’m grateful for the healthy persuasion from Josh to receive the blessing of a laundry lady. J 

We got to love on the IRIS and village children at Children’s Day, and as a family we got the joy of washing their hands prior to eating.  Christian absolutely loved it and would get sad when the children didn’t enter into his line.  He just wanted to bless them so much!  He was also put in charge of blowing bubbles as the children lined up.  Most of these children have never tasted chicken before, or only get it on Children’s Day and Christmas, so the IRIS kitchen staff prepared chicken and rice to shower the love of Jesus over them.  We would see young girls carrying babies on their backs or in slings with bright smiles on their faces because they knew they were about to enjoy a feast.
We’ve been to the Indian Ocean a few times and saw many hermit crabs, sea urchins and jelly fish.  Jade wanted to get baptized this summer on her birthday in the Indian Ocean.  However, we just found out that we are leaving for our bush-bush weekend outreach on Thursday, July 5th (Jade’s birthday) so we’ll see how the Lord guides her in this decision.

As a family we’ve walked into the village directly outside of our base and had many Mozambican children follow us to the market and back home.  Many just wanted to hold our hands, receive a smile or high-five and simply be noticed.  They loved Gracie and her long, beautiful blonde hair.  At first Gracie was a bit shy and probably intimidated, but after awhile she warmed up and began sharing smiles and high-fives with them.  She’s even speaking a few words in Portuguese!  It amazes me the conditions that some people live in.  Just walking through the village market, our feet were saturated with garbage and stench.  We’ve made good friends with an IRIS boy named Bernardo.  He’s even teaching me a little Portuguese and wrote down my name in his school notebook so he could remember it.  Wherever we go, he spots us out in the crowd.  One night while eating dinner with all the children in the cafeteria (yes, I ate Mozambican style with my hands), I asked him what he had planned for the next day.  He said, “Me spend time with my Jesus.  Me love my Jesus.  Me spend 10 minutes with Him!”  I love the passion that the children here have for Jesus.  It’s humbling to see them seek Jesus and the presence of the Holy Spirit as their “entertainment”.  At the end of these 11 weeks I will definitely have learned how to spend more intimate time with Him.  Josh and I have had some “intense fellowship” at times, but God is cleansing our hearts and bringing us closer together and one with Him.  Please continue to pray for unity over our family and that all attacks from the enemy would be severed.
We have completed our first 2 ½ weeks of school.  We’ve encountered some challenges with going to class together as a couple and family because of the kids and adjusting to the new schedule.  They are going to bed around 7pm and waking around 6am.  There is an 8 hour difference between time here and in Idaho.  12pm MST equals 8pm in Pemba.  It makes for a long morning stretch because the kids eat at 6 or 6:30am, class goes until usually 1:30pm, and then they don’t eat lunch until afterwards.  As of recently, one of us has been staying behind with the kids (or at least with Josiah), but we are going to pray about this and try to continue to go as a family.  We will share more of what God is placing on our hearts in a later post, but for now we just wanted to provide a general update on our transition into Africa.
We are truly grateful for the ways in which God has opened our eyes.  We are learning to lay down the ways of this world and focus on what’s really important – receiving and sharing the love of Jesus with others!  Starting next week we will be participating in a weekly outreach.  Josh will be teaching English to some children in a village and I have my selections narrowed down to either helping with the Children’s Ministry (arts & crafts) or a village outreach (treasure hunts).  This encompasses a lot of evangelizing, healing, words of knowledge, prophesying – whatever the Holy Spirit wants to do that day.  We want God to use our hands and feet as His own to reach those that need more of His love.  The gospel is really quite simple – it’s all about the love of Jesus!  As said in 1 Corinthians 13 - without love there is no gain.  Wherever you are in life, we pray that you will experience His love in a new and deeper way today!  Let Him take you deeper into His heart.  Let Him free you of any walls or limits that you have placed on Him.  There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that is impossible with God.  I’ve heard this truth growing up but never really experienced it until I put my full faith and trust in Him.  Know who you are in Christ and walk in your true identity!