Thursday, July 23, 2015

Son Shine Valley

“I am pleased when you spend yourself on Me.”  Those are lyrics to a song.  I’ve been thinking a lot about how I spend my time and how we spend time together as a family.  On the mission field overseas, we know it’s just as important to ministry to our own kids as it is to go out and share Jesus with others.  I am passionate about teaching my kids how to live a life of love and freedom fully surrendered to the Lord, and the best way to do this isn’t through “preaching” – it’s through example.  So, for the past 2 weeks we’ve changed how we spend our family time together to make it less “us” focused and more “others” focused.
On Tuesday, July 14th, we planned a surprise day for the kids.  However, rather than the primary focus being on how we can entertain ourselves, we first chose to focus on how we can love on others and give away what we have – LIFE IN JESUS!  So, we took the kids to the grocery store to buy some candy.

Then we drove them to a township called Sonskyn Village (translation “Son Shine Village”) so they could give away their candy to the children that lived there.  At first Christian was a bit nervous of the idea to approach people he didn’t know, but we told him we’d be right by his side and that it will be fun and easy.  Once we started, it didn’t take him long to warm up and start walking up to kids on his own. 

Even though I prayed that the candy would multiply, we ran out towards the end as kids started spreading the word that free candy was being handed out! ;-)  We are so proud of Christian, Gracelyn and Josiah, as none of them complained about there being no candy left for them.  When they saw how happy the other children were to get candy, it put smiles on their own faces, which melted my mama’s heart!  At the end they said they had a blast and wanted to do it again.  We were able to talk to them about the condition of homes that most of these children live in and how sometimes they can go without eating meals or have very little.  We pray that their hearts were opened to those less fortunate and that their hearts become more thankful for just how blessed they are.  We also want them to learn that they don’t need all this “stuff” to be happy and full of joy in the Lord.

Our family hopes to visit this village on a weekly basis to start building relationships with the people there.  We were going to visit again this week (Tuesday is our family day) and bring some sidewalk chalk to draw pictures with the children, but it rained most of the morning and was terrible weather into the afternoon which prevented us from doing so.  So, instead we spent our family time making cards for the Gagers….because we love them too!

After walking through the township, we surprised them with a spontaneous trip out to the land that we’re hoping to purchase.  The lady that cares for all of the animals on the farm was there to guide us and teach us about the animals.  Christian befriended a dog named Nikita and is hoping that we can keep her when we move onto the farm!  This was a big deal for Christian in conquering his fears because sometimes he gets nervous around dogs.  He also suggested that we get a German shepherd because that’s what Jade would want.  They miss their big sister!  We toured one of the houses and the kids began telling us which room they’d like and which beds they want.  We explained that the furniture wouldn’t be staying with the house, although the current tenant is willing to offer us some good deals for some of his furniture because he is downsizing and doesn’t want to move it all.  Wouldn’t you know – we’re in need of at least one more bed because our boys have been sleeping on the floor.  We could also use another fridge/freezer.

We then ended our family day with lunch out and a movie.  Although it’s fun to eat out on occasion and watch movies, the greatest memories I want to build with my children and husband are times where we can have fun together spreading love to others!  Those are the moments that will build strong character and conviction in living a selfless life and loving the Lord with all their heart, mind, soul and strength!  So, the next time you think about entertaining yourself or your kids (if you have any), ask yourself how you/they can bless someone else in the midst of it!  It is better to give than to receive [Acts 20:35]!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Promised Land

Earlier this morning I was reading through my journal and came across an entry dated February 6, 2015.  Matt Gager had been visiting us in Pretoria just days before we were getting ready to move to Mossel Bay.  At this time, he was praying and seeking the Lord as to whether or not his family should move to South Africa.  During his morning time with the Lord the day prior, he said the Lord told him He was going to give us land.  Well, here we are today in the middle of negotiating the purchase of a large piece of land in an area called “8 Bells”.  As you may have read in my previous post, we have been praying that the owner would agree to a lease-to-own contract because we don’t have the funds to purchase it right now.  The owner is fine with this and allowing his lawyer and the agency to work out the details as they see fit.  To give you a little background to the story………

When we were sent back to the States to obtain our visas, we still honored our rental agreement even though we weren’t going to be living in the house for 2 months.  We had paid through the end of May but needed to make another payment by June 1st.  Through many roadblocks, I was finally able to successfully get the funds from the US to South Africa.  However, long story short, the agency had troubles withdrawing the funds so the agency owner, Stevie, came to our house shortly after our return to try and sort things out.  At this point, our landlord even wanted us to be forced to vacate the premises because he thought we were in breach of our contract, but the agency backed us up and said we paid our rent on time and that the problem was on their end.  It took almost 3 weeks for them to finally secure the funds.  During that time, Josh so happened to mention that we were in search of some land.  It turns out that Stevie knew of someone that owned a large piece of land and would be interested in selling it if offered the full amount of R3.5 million (rand).  This is the equivalent of roughly $288,000 (excluding tax of 14%).  He left our home and then brought back some pictures on a thumb drive so we could see the place.  Based on the pictures, our interest was definitely peaked.  A few days later we were at the property and blown away by its beauty and the layout.  We all had peace about pursuing the land, and Matt sensed the Lord saying, “It is ours.”  The catch was someone currently lived in the house and hadn’t given their notice.  We continued to voice our interest to Stevie, and Josh even met with the current tenant to see what his plans were.  It turns out he had given his notice to leave by the end of August.  How timely for us, as our current lease ends August 31stWhat’s incredible is that the property was NEVER on the market to sell!  Stevie just so happens to be good friends with the owner of the property, believes in the Lord and sees our heart in all of this.  God took the situation with our struggles to make our rent payment and used it for good by connecting us with Stevie ‘cause that’s just what He does!!  If the owner agrees to our terms, we will be required to make a 10% down payment by August 31st to secure the land, which we believe will be roughly $40,000 (including some tax).

The owner of the property is also willing to sell his truck to us, but as of now we’re holding off because the asking price is too high – roughly $28,000.  We think we might be able to obtain a used truck and larger vehicle to transport all of us for hopefully around that same price.  God has been good to us with our current vehicle, as we’ve been able to keep it for longer than expected, but it definitely won’t make it on the farm.  This is another need we are in prayer for – a truck for working on the farm and transporting things such as equipment, fertilizer, etc., and a vehicle that can seat all of us or more children as needed.

Josh and Matt met with the property owner’s lawyer on Monday to discuss details, and that is when we found out someone else is interested in purchasing the property.  In fact, this person originally owned the property and then sold it and now wants to buy it back.  Stevie has clearly communicated to the lawyer that he wants us to have first dibs.  Favor!!  Today Josh and Matt met with an accountant to discuss tax laws and figure out the best way to funnel the funds, etc.  It turns out that the accountant goes to the church we’ve been attending.

Now, you may wonder….  Where are a bunch of unemployed missionaries going to get this kind of money?  That’s a good question.  Our answer….  We have the best employer one could ask for – God!!  Josh and I know that He sent us here.  We know that He told us to pursue land and start a garden to feed people.  We know He has promised us land.  We know He is a faithful Daddy that will provide in impossible situations.  If He wants us to have this land, He will provide all that we need for it as we continue to follow His lead.

We would appreciate your prayers and covering that no spirit of doubt or fear would steal from our peace and joy as we step out in faith and pursue His heart.  If the Lord is leading you to help provide financial support in what He’s doing through us in South Africa, you can submit a tax-deductible donation on our Web site at

We have been told that a contract should be drawn up by the end of this week so we will keep you all updated as things transpire.  Thank you for joining us in prayer and believing with us for this land!  The Lord has declared it will be a place of hope and restoration!