It’s been a great 11 months with this car, but today it was time for us to say goodbye to this beast mobile.
We were beyond blessed to have this car for much longer than expected – thank you to our dear friend, Mulder. What was originally supposed to be 5 months turned into over 11! For those of you that may not have been following along on our journey this past year, here’s a little snippet from a post I wrote back on February 8, 2015, when the Lord was leading us to move to Mossel Bay…….
February 8, 2015:
“Speaking of needs, we weren’t sure how we were going to get around Mossel Bay once we moved down there. Right now we’re homeless, carless, jobless……..but rich in the sense that we are so fulfilled with living for Jesus and doing what the Lord’s asked us to do. I think about the disciples and how they left their jobs, everything, to follow Jesus. Our family has a lot of growing to do, in fact that will never end, and the Lord continues to teach us what’s important in this life and what things we can continue to let go of to follow Him. A couple drove us to the police station, and on the way there they nonchalantly asked us if we needed a car once we go to Mossel Bay. We told them yes. Immediately the guy said we could have his car and use it however needed. I honestly didn’t know if my ears had heard right or if he was serious….turns out he was! He is leaving the country from March-July and said we can simply work out arrangements for when he needs it back after that time. It’s a little car but big enough to squeeze our family into, and it gets around 45mpg and 600 miles per tank fill-up!! And get this, he and a friend are driving to a conference which is located ½ way between Pretoria and Mossel Bay. They leave on Wednesday and offered to drive the vehicle the rest of the way to Mossel Bay so that we could have it. What?!?! Our dilemma - how do we get the vehicle to Mossel Bay? Problem solved! They will arrive with the car next Sunday evening, and then we are taking care of their transportation back to Pretoria via the bus. As I read in Acts about people selling their belongings to help others in need, I’ve seen that same generosity in this house we’ve been living in. I am observing and learning a lot about giving without being stingy, and I’m not just talking about money here either. You know the saying, “Me casa es su casa….” Well, people here literally live that out. They are so selfless and full of love for each other. It’s not a sacrifice but a blessing for them to give to others with no reservation or hesitation.”
Current Day:
So, there you have it. God came through back then and He will again! We believe and trust the Lord to provide us with a new vehicle to continue on with the work here, specifically in Sonskyn. We have such great peace about our situation and are excited to see what God is up to! I wonder how He will fill this empty parking spot?!?! We'll be happy with anything, except maybe a cow, horse or donkey, haha! Just kidding!
In the meantime, we have been blessed with friends that have offered to help us with transportation or bring us food as needed. In fact, some friends are bringing Edwin and Ronel (from Sonskyn) to the farm this weekend so they can celebrate their 2-year anniversary at the farm….that was their desire! The Lord has put some great things on our hearts for this family, and we will be talking with them about those things this weekend. We would appreciate your prayer covering as we step out in greater boldness and faith – that the Lord’s wisdom would be our guide always.
Ronel asked us to drive her to the hospital on Friday, February 26th for one of her final doctor’s appointments. This is when she will find out when the baby is due – sometime in March. She asked this of me before we knew we’d be without a car, so of course I said “yes” without hesitation! AND I’m still not hesitating. The Lord says to make our requests known to Him. He knows our heart. He knows our need of a vehicle. I’m being specific in my prayers in asking him for a vehicle before this date because I want to honor my commitment, as it truly is from my heart that I want to help and bless this family. When we first met Ronel, we also offered to drive her to the hospital when it’s time to deliver the baby. After getting to know us more, she asked if we’d still be willing to do that. Why, of course! So, the Lord has a date to work with, haha!
If the Lord tugs on your heart to help contribute in any way to fulfill the work He is doing in South Africa, we would be very appreciative. A tax-deductible donation can be made online at by designating funds for Josh & Mindy Mason – Mossel Bay, South Africa. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.
Our greatest desire - to be the hands and feet of Jesus where He has planted us today!
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Monday, January 4, 2016
The Life & Death of Tyron
It is with great sadness that I am writing a blog announcing the death of my buddy and friend, TYRON. He was no ordinary 11-year old boy. He was special!
My heart was excited and anticipating our visit to Sonskyn Valley on Saturday, January 2nd. I remember the drive. Thinking about our friends, Edwin and Ronel, whom we hadn’t seen since Christmas Eve. I couldn’t wait to give them hugs and smile and laugh with them! I had been looking forward to a warm welcome from my buddy, Tyron. He was always around or close by when our car pulled up into the township. If he saw us driving down the street or parking our car, he’d come right over to us with a big smile on his face. Yes, that contagious smile that I came to love and adore!
We thought this day was another ordinary, yet extraordinary, day of loving on children, but that particular day we arrived to some heartbreaking news. We had parked our vehicle in the same spot we always do – across the street from the park at our friend, Eddie’s, house. That way the children at Sonskyn would always know where to find us. Last Saturday was no different. As we parked our car, children saw us and came to gather around, but no Tyron was in sight. In fact, many of the “normal” children were gone that day. Sometimes we have food or sweets to hand out, which often times attracts the crowds, but today I didn’t feel like we were supposed to do that. Our friend, Eddie, walked towards us and asked if we had heard the news about Tyron. We said, “No. What is it?” He matter-of-factly said, “He’s dead.” Josh questioned him to make sure he heard right, and again Eddie said, “Ya, Tyron died yesterday.” Immediately tears were spilling down my face and I turned away to try and “be strong” in front of the many children gathered, but I felt like the Lord said to me that it was okay to show my emotions in front of the kids – that they needed to see how much Tyron was loved. I was speechless and could only cry. I could feel a respectful reverence surrounding me, and one girl came to give me a hug. I just held her.
After the news sunk in, we went to go find Tyron’s parents: Martha and Andres. We found them walking alongside the road. They were in shock. We knew this because Andres could barely speak English, but when we’ve spoken to him before he’s had no problem. Sweet mama Martha was sad and angry. At times she wanted to withdraw from us, but we were persistent in showering her with love. What can you say to a mom when her 11-year old son has just died? The truth – that Tyron was loved and is with Jesus now. That he was special. That it’s okay to be sad and angry. That God loves her. That she needs to turn to God and not alcohol during this time of mourning. That God can give her strength. As the tears flowed down her cheeks, we knew she was being touched by the Father’s love.
They went on to explain as best as they could to us in their broken English and state of shock that Tyron was rushed to the hospital by ambulance. He had been vomiting profusely and had severe diarrhea. She found him collapsed. He passed away at 3pm on New Year’s Day. There is an investigation being done as to the cause of his death. It’s possible he was poisoned, but we do not know for sure at this point until the results of the autopsy are complete. No one wants to celebrate the beginning of a new year with the death of a child, but I am praying and believing that God will use this situation for good to bring about an awakening in their hearts to turn their lives over to Jesus and begin a new life in Him!! Not every death or situation is part of God’s plan, but He does know all and He will use every situation for good to those that know and love Him.
This I know, that Tryon is now perfectly healthy, whole and free of his down syndrome; that he no longer has to suffer physical, verbal and emotional abuse from those that were ignorant of his condition and did not understand or know how to love him; that he is happily rejoicing with angels in the presence of his Father in Heaven; and that he knew he was loved by his family and mine. Christmas Day was the last time I saw Tyron alive. The day prior we had delivered food and gifts to his family, and then they asked if we’d take them to church on Christmas Day. These were the last words I remember speaking to him as he climbed out of our car, “I love you! God loves you!” He doesn’t speak or understand English, but he nodded as if he knew what I was saying. I believe he did!
Almost every time we left Sonskyn for our drive home, Tyron would be around us. I would sit in the passenger seat and he would grab onto my hand and run (laughing hysterically) as Josh slowly drove away. I never wanted to let go. I wanted to bring him home with us.
I will miss my tickle wars with him and listening to him laugh freely at our silliness we shared together. It was special. He had a great sense of humor. I will miss him running and jumping into my arms while we both spun around in circles full of giggles (yes, me wanting to throw up). He was special. I will miss laughing as I muscled the strength to try and give him a piggyback ride, only to fall flat on my behind. That boy was solid! He was special. I will miss our dance contests and weight lifting competitions with a simple stick that weighed only ounces, haha! The theme, that boy was special!!
Our family began loving on people in Sonskyn Valley on July 15, 2015. We met Tyron for the first time on August 15th when we provided tinfoil dinner meals for the children to eat in the park. Tyron said it was “lekker”, which means “good” in Afrikaans. My love for this child was instantaneous. Every time we’d go to Sonskyn and see Tyron, I’d leave saying to Josh, “That boy blesses my heart!” It was true. I saw him for who he was. Not a boy with Down Syndrome that is a lost cause and has no hope or contribution to this world. No, I saw him as a normal boy that needed love and attention and to simply be seen for who he was – Tyron, a boy full of love, life and joy! He was a light in my world and a joy to be around, even if we couldn’t speak each other’s languages. We spoke the language of love from the heart!
This family has nothing. It is our heart to love them as Jesus would and make the invisible God visible. We only met Tyron’s parents 1 month ago on December 5th. After much praying and asking around as to where they lived, God finally introduced us to them for such a time as this! God put it on our hearts to take care of Tyron’s funeral expenses so we are trusting that He will provide. We have located a pastor that will conduct the funeral service and help us plan the arrangements. There will be a viewing at their home on Friday, January 8th @ 8:30am. The burial will be immediately following. If the Lord tugs on your heart to help contribute in any way, we would be very appreciative. A tax-deductible donation can be made online at by designating funds for Josh & Mindy Mason – Mossel Bay, South Africa. Thank you for your prayerful consideration. I am printing off pictures of Tyron and his family to give to his parents. I believe this will be a treasure to them, as they don’t have any pictures of him. We are taking care of their youngest 3-year old boy, Leroy, for a few days at the farm. He is a joy!! We took the family to church yesterday after THEY asked us to. God is up to something. They were sober and in better spirits. Thank you Jesus for your strength, comfort and peace! The church body came together as family and prayed over them, even though it was the first time they had ever attended. Now that’s the Kingdom of God in action here on earth! Others spoke comfort to Martha, but her heart is still hurting and probably will for some time. I showed her pictures of Tyron on my phone and her face lit up. She took off with my phone to show others. Priceless! The seeds have been planted in her heart.
God gave me the words “restoring brokenness” as direction for our family in 2016. What this means for us ………… loving others back to the Father, one family at a time!
My heart was excited and anticipating our visit to Sonskyn Valley on Saturday, January 2nd. I remember the drive. Thinking about our friends, Edwin and Ronel, whom we hadn’t seen since Christmas Eve. I couldn’t wait to give them hugs and smile and laugh with them! I had been looking forward to a warm welcome from my buddy, Tyron. He was always around or close by when our car pulled up into the township. If he saw us driving down the street or parking our car, he’d come right over to us with a big smile on his face. Yes, that contagious smile that I came to love and adore!
Leroy with his brother Tyron. Christmas Eve. |
After the news sunk in, we went to go find Tyron’s parents: Martha and Andres. We found them walking alongside the road. They were in shock. We knew this because Andres could barely speak English, but when we’ve spoken to him before he’s had no problem. Sweet mama Martha was sad and angry. At times she wanted to withdraw from us, but we were persistent in showering her with love. What can you say to a mom when her 11-year old son has just died? The truth – that Tyron was loved and is with Jesus now. That he was special. That it’s okay to be sad and angry. That God loves her. That she needs to turn to God and not alcohol during this time of mourning. That God can give her strength. As the tears flowed down her cheeks, we knew she was being touched by the Father’s love.
They went on to explain as best as they could to us in their broken English and state of shock that Tyron was rushed to the hospital by ambulance. He had been vomiting profusely and had severe diarrhea. She found him collapsed. He passed away at 3pm on New Year’s Day. There is an investigation being done as to the cause of his death. It’s possible he was poisoned, but we do not know for sure at this point until the results of the autopsy are complete. No one wants to celebrate the beginning of a new year with the death of a child, but I am praying and believing that God will use this situation for good to bring about an awakening in their hearts to turn their lives over to Jesus and begin a new life in Him!! Not every death or situation is part of God’s plan, but He does know all and He will use every situation for good to those that know and love Him.
This I know, that Tryon is now perfectly healthy, whole and free of his down syndrome; that he no longer has to suffer physical, verbal and emotional abuse from those that were ignorant of his condition and did not understand or know how to love him; that he is happily rejoicing with angels in the presence of his Father in Heaven; and that he knew he was loved by his family and mine. Christmas Day was the last time I saw Tyron alive. The day prior we had delivered food and gifts to his family, and then they asked if we’d take them to church on Christmas Day. These were the last words I remember speaking to him as he climbed out of our car, “I love you! God loves you!” He doesn’t speak or understand English, but he nodded as if he knew what I was saying. I believe he did!
Leroy, Martha, Tyron & Andres. Going to church on Christmas Day. |
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Mindy & Tyron. Look at the mirror. :-) |
Our family began loving on people in Sonskyn Valley on July 15, 2015. We met Tyron for the first time on August 15th when we provided tinfoil dinner meals for the children to eat in the park. Tyron said it was “lekker”, which means “good” in Afrikaans. My love for this child was instantaneous. Every time we’d go to Sonskyn and see Tyron, I’d leave saying to Josh, “That boy blesses my heart!” It was true. I saw him for who he was. Not a boy with Down Syndrome that is a lost cause and has no hope or contribution to this world. No, I saw him as a normal boy that needed love and attention and to simply be seen for who he was – Tyron, a boy full of love, life and joy! He was a light in my world and a joy to be around, even if we couldn’t speak each other’s languages. We spoke the language of love from the heart!
This family has nothing. It is our heart to love them as Jesus would and make the invisible God visible. We only met Tyron’s parents 1 month ago on December 5th. After much praying and asking around as to where they lived, God finally introduced us to them for such a time as this! God put it on our hearts to take care of Tyron’s funeral expenses so we are trusting that He will provide. We have located a pastor that will conduct the funeral service and help us plan the arrangements. There will be a viewing at their home on Friday, January 8th @ 8:30am. The burial will be immediately following. If the Lord tugs on your heart to help contribute in any way, we would be very appreciative. A tax-deductible donation can be made online at by designating funds for Josh & Mindy Mason – Mossel Bay, South Africa. Thank you for your prayerful consideration. I am printing off pictures of Tyron and his family to give to his parents. I believe this will be a treasure to them, as they don’t have any pictures of him. We are taking care of their youngest 3-year old boy, Leroy, for a few days at the farm. He is a joy!! We took the family to church yesterday after THEY asked us to. God is up to something. They were sober and in better spirits. Thank you Jesus for your strength, comfort and peace! The church body came together as family and prayed over them, even though it was the first time they had ever attended. Now that’s the Kingdom of God in action here on earth! Others spoke comfort to Martha, but her heart is still hurting and probably will for some time. I showed her pictures of Tyron on my phone and her face lit up. She took off with my phone to show others. Priceless! The seeds have been planted in her heart.
God gave me the words “restoring brokenness” as direction for our family in 2016. What this means for us ………… loving others back to the Father, one family at a time!
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