Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Faith Like Potatoes

“A farmer moves his family to South Africa and suffers a series of seemingly insurmountable losses.  Through unlikely friendships and much needed divine intervention, he discovers his life’s true purpose and it sustains his unwavering belief in the power of faith.  A moving life journey of a man, who, like his potatoes, grows his faith, unseen until the harvest.”

Faith Like Potatoes.  Based on a true story.  Just like our story.

This is the description of a movie that we first saw while in Pemba, Mozambique in 2012.  Wouldn’t you know…….it sounds very similar to what our family is going through in this season of our own lives with our garden here in South Africa.

As we prepared to move to Mossel Bay 1 year ago, the Lord said seek land and a garden.  Check.

After much preparation of digging out grass, clearing rocks and tilling soil, Josh asked the Lord what to plant in our larger garden space.  Potatoes came to mind, even though seeds are difficult to find here.  He questioned the Lord and asked again.  The same answer remained.  A neighbor helped us out by locating some seed.  Approximately 400 hills of potato seeds planted.  Check.

Irrigation dilemma solved (not for lack of water) when Josh figured out how to maintain water pressure for the sprinklers.  Check.

We’ve been told the way we’re gardening won’t work here in South Africa, yet our garden has produced lavishly thus far.  We’ve been told that the soil isn’t right, yet we have some of the richest soil locals have seen around here.

Pull weeds.  Water.  Pull weeds.  Water.  Clear rocks in between.  Check.

We have watched with excitement and anticipation as our garden began to grow and produce beautiful crops.  We’ve been able to enjoy an abundance of cucumbers, lettuce, carrots and cabbage, the first of our harvest to be ready.

Then the porcupines arrived and arrived and arrived and arrived and arrived…..  I think you get the point.  These porcupines have been relentless in “killing, stealing and destroying” our crops.

The way our garden was doing so well, we’re guesstimating that our potato plants would have produced well over 3,000 potatoes, but the porcupines have shown up night after night after night for the past 2 months!  Here is a picture of what we’ve been able to harvest as of today.

Yes, that’s right, the porcupines have eaten or destroyed most of our potato harvest.  It’s the sad truth.  The porcupines are a problem.  Just imagine how many people could have been fed if the crops were protected!!  Josh bought a gun in hopes that he’d be able to eliminate this problem, but the porcupines have stopped showing up almost entirely at night while he’s outside waiting for them.  Once he comes inside, sometimes around 1-2am, they then decide to make their appearance.  BUT, he continues to hunt them without giving up!

It’s been a tough battle, especially for Josh, as he has worked very hard in getting our gardens up and running so that we can bless others whom are without food and meet the needs of our own family.  Today as he was outside working in the garden, he spent some time chatting with the Lord about our situation.

The question on his heart, “Why, Lord?  Why did you ask me to plant potatoes just so the porcupines could destroy them?”
The Lord began to tell him that planting potatoes was part of His plan but the porcupines were not.  The Lord has used this opportunity to teach Josh a valuable lesson about perseverance.  Many times Josh wanted to stay inside and sleep instead of hunt for porcupines, but he has allowed the Lord to grow him in patience, commitment and perseverance.  I am proud of him!  Even though his presence outside hasn’t stopped the porcupines, the Lord has done a deeper work in his heart.  The Lord then began to equate this situation with the work we’re doing here in South Africa and Sonskyn.  We may plant hundreds of seeds but only see a small harvest to begin with, sometimes because the enemy comes and steals the “intended” harvest or destroys seeds before growth occurs.  The Lord reminded him that the small harvest is just as important as the big.  He doesn’t measure quantity but quality.  He doesn’t measure sacrifice but obedience.

The Lord began showing him the different seasons and how we won’t/shouldn’t always be weeding, watering and harvesting.  There are times when more preparation is needed.  This is the season we’re in now.  Preparation.  God asked him and our family to work the next 7 consecutive days in the garden to prepare for planting again.  On the 7th day, God will tell us what to plant!

If you feel led to join with our efforts in feeding the hungry, specifically in Sonskyn Valley, a tax-deductible donation can be made online at www.Four18.org by designating funds for Feeding the Hungry– Mossel Bay, South Africa.  We will set aside these funds to build a fence around our garden space, costing around $1,000 US, as we know this is the long-term solution in protecting our crops from wildlife.