Friday, March 18, 2016

Against All Odds - We Need Your Help

For the past 1 ½ years our family has been living in South Africa by faith.  We never asked people to support us financially, nor do we have a church that supports us financially.  Just us, the proceeds we made from selling what we owned and our trust in the Lord.  He has grown us substantially in our faith and trust in Him.  I’ve grown in surrendering my plans to the order of His steps, resting in His presence and being content in all situations.  With that said, the Lord has also spoken to me about fighting for things of importance with passion, conviction and commitment and ridding me of any attitude that might think, “Well, if it happens it happens.  If not, then I guess it wasn’t meant to be.”  I would say that during the past 3 years the Lord has been helping me to grow out of my passivity and truly fight for and have a voice in the things that matter to me.

As I’ve been in conversation with the Lord about our needs, the question that kept coming to me was, “Why don’t you want to let others know about your needs?”  My response, “Well, Lord, if others know about our needs then that’s like saying I don’t have enough faith for you to provide and that’s just not the case.”

That is when the Lord spoke to me and said, “Yes, it requires great faith to remain silent and expect a miracle, but it is no less faith to let your needs be known and still trust in Me to move on people’s hearts.  Either way, it requires trust in Me and I will receive the glory.”

You see, faith is faith and obedience is obedience.  It doesn’t matter what it looks like.  It matters how you react in the process.  He simply wants us to listen to His voice and follow His lead.  He told me that asking for help doesn’t mean we’ve failed or have less faith and trust in Him.  It means we’re allowing others to share in the glory of what He’s about to do through them and us!!

When Josh and I were talking about our needs this past month, I told him how I’d been pondering what it is the Lord wants to grow me in during this time.  Right away I knew the answer.  Trusting the Lord for a miracle doesn’t stretch me, but being vulnerable with my needs and asking people for help does.  I’ve always been this way.  I used to not even like to ask the Lord for specific things because it made me feel selfish.  I’m hardworking and have an independent spirit.  If I can do something, generally I will do it without asking for help.  If someone asks me what I need or want, typically the answer is, “Nothing.  I’m good.”  The Lord has spoken to us many times that in order for us to move forward with the things on our hearts for this farm and the community of Sonskyn, we’re going to need help from others.  Oh, the plague – asking for help from others.  I don’t like to do that, but there’s a reason for the Lord wanting to grow me in this area.  After many tug-of-wars with the Lord, He won!

I received a prophetic word from someone back in November about stretching.  “I got a picture of taffy.  The more taffy is warmed up, the longer it can stretch without ripping.  God said that He will stretch you and to hold on to Him so you won’t break.”

So, here is my (our) first attempt in asking for specific help…


The odds have been against us financially, yet it has been a miracle that we’ve remained in SA for this long.  Following is a quick snapshot of our current financial needs.

Monthly Expenses on Farm: $1,300 (minimum)
*We currently receive $430 in committed monthly support and have enough funds to sustain us through April.

Plane Tickets to America (roundtrip): $6,500
In order for our family to remain in SA, we must renew 3-year visas in America this year.  We are planning a trip for mid-May funds permitting.

Visas = $220

Passports = $400
*Kids’ passports need renewed before December.

LA Plane Tickets = $600
*Josh and I must travel to LA to turn in visa applications.

Advanced Payments: $1,650
*This will cover rent, power & maintenance on the farm while gone in America.

TOTAL NEEDED: $9,370 + monthly support

The Lord has been leading Josh and I to take some steps that seem backwards to us because we currently don’t have the resources to back these plans up, but yesterday I read a great article that really spoke to my heart about the odds being against us.

When the odds are against you, God also may require you to act in what appears an unreasonable manner.  While God may seem to require what appears illogical on the surface, He will never instruct us to disobey His word.  We may not understand His actions, but He has His own divine reasons.  When the odds are against us, God will lead us to do that which brings Him the most gloryWhen the odds are against us, God will strip us of all dependence on anything or anyone else other than Himself.  When the odds are against us, God is always at work in another area.  Finally, when the odds are against us, God will give us specific instructions for victory.

God sent Gideon with an army of 300 men to fight against an army of about 135,000 soldiers.  God’s strategy of attacking this vast encampment seemed ludicrous to some.  In the natural it didn’t make sense.  We, too, are making decisions that don’t make sense, and even at times, seem foolish or against all common sense.  But God!  All we can do is follow His lead, be open and vulnerable and then trust Him with the outcome.

“Even when the odds are stacked against you, put your trust in the Lord’s goodness and favor and see Him exceed all your expectations!” – A Woman of Faith

We’re excited about some opportunities that are developing on the farm and within Sonskyn and what role we’ll be playing in those, so please be on the lookout for our next blog post “What’s Happening.”

If the Lord tugs on your heart to help contribute in any way, we would be very appreciative.  A tax-deductible and secure donation can be made online at by designating funds for Josh & Mindy Mason – Mossel Bay, South Africa.  You can also setup donations to be sent automatically every month.  Thank you for your prayerful consideration.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Restoring Brokenness

I just completed my 2nd read of a book called, "A Cry From the Streets."  It's about a missionary couple who began loving on street kids in Brazil many years ago.  The stories of the abuse, rejection and abandonment these children went through while living on the streets is incomprehensible and disheartening.  If you want your heart to be shaken and brought to life for the broken in this world, I would recommend reading this book.  If it
doesn't change your heart and cause an awakening in you to do something
about the broken and lost in this world, then maybe you need to check your pulse 
to see if you're still alive!  Although we currently are not working with "street children" to the degree that this couple is, it is the cry of mine and Josh's hearts to reach the lost, broken and rejected with the power and love of Jesus so that hearts will be transformed - not because of us but
because God becomes real to them!

The journey this couple has gone through really resonates deep in my heart.

"Every day we became more convinced we had made the right decision, because God 
was giving us, in spite of our many uncertainties, a deep peace." - A
Cry From the Streets.

There are many uncertainties that our family is going through right now.  We've been without a vehicle for 1 ½ months now. Our visas for South Africa and the kids'
passports expire at the end of this year.  IN FAITH we are feeling led to plan a trip back to America to renew our visas and passport
around mid-May - that's 2 months away!  We have NO IDEA how these needs are
going to be met, but the one thing we do know is that we serve a God who is faithful and trustworthy!  Our inability is His ability.  We have a roof over our heads, food on the table, great health and a wonderful family.  We are blessed!

"It seemed that God was teaching us to trust Him for larger $ amounts.  Hadn't He provided for us over and over again?  It seemed to be getting easier: the more we
needed, the more we dared to trust Him for.  In the future He would lead us to trust Him for things we couldn't even dream of."
- A Cry From the Streets

"Do what is possible, what lies within your limits; then God will do what's outside your
limits - the impossible." - A Cry From the Streets

The voice of the enemy whispers, "Just give up now.  There's no way you can stay in Africa.  No one cares about what you're doing.  You're not making a difference. It's 
selfish of you to believe for or ask God for this much money."  I'm thankful that the truth reigns in my heart and I can simply
silence these whispers by positioning my heart towards the Lord and asking Him what He's saying because His voice is the one I want to hear above all others. Even
though our hearts long to go love on people in Sonskyn Valley more often, that is why we are here, we have been physically hindered because of the absence of a vehicle. However, we know that God continues to move in that place, and he has been getting our family's hearts in the
position needed to continue this journey of faith and love we are on.

"You will be tested (in commitment and heart, how much do you trust God's
word to you when times don't go as expected?)." - A Cry From the Streets

Without a doubt, we know that our level of commitment and trust is being tested.  Our
heart wants to pour into Sonskyn Valley, but more importantly, we want our hearts pouring into God above all else.  If He were to close the doors on being in South Africa, would we still passionately love and serve
Him if it looks different?  Yes!  If He were to send us back to America sooner than we
expected for reasons we don't understand, would we still trust that He knows what He's doing?  Yes!  Trust should be relational not situational.  We make our plans, but He guides our steps.  We won't leave South Africa without a fight though, and we do believe that God still has a plan in us being here that isn't fulfilled yet!  I recently read part of a quote that said:

"Personally, I would rather stumble chasing a dream, than sit fearfully in
the seat of complacency."

We could give up now because things in the natural aren't going as expected, but we are
learning to live this quote out in our lives and trust that things are happening even though we cannot see with our eyes:

"See in peace, think in faith...learn to be vulnerable to God." - Graham

On November 1st of last year, I had a vision of Josh and I speaking with a group of kids.
We were asking them questions to find how many lived with none, one or two parents
(mother/father) in the home.  I saw the group getting smaller and smaller.  The Lord told me not to be discouraged or
alarmed - that He wants to hone in on those He specifically wants us to reach right now. I saw Josh ministering to a boy.  He was very skinny, malnourished, and seemed kind of like a loner/outsider.  I saw myself doing the same thing with a girl - just getting to know her.  The Lord had spoken
to me about not being so quick to bring children or people to the farm for
"entertainment or social purposes" and that we needed to keep our eyes, hearts and
and availability open to the ones He had chosen for us to love on at this time - that
there was specific purpose to this.  He also gave me a picture of us continuing to reach children in Sonskyn, but then entire
families became involved.  The Lord spoke to me that as we bring children to the farm
families will also come.  Families will be restored!  The Lord reminded me of a prophetic word we had been given in Pemba, Mozambique.

"You have a heart for the broken and God is going to use your blended-family situation 
to reach many children who have brokenness in their family, relationships, etc."
(July 3, 2012)

God showed me that the children in Sonskyn will be used as an open door into
restoring families.  The Lord has given me this verse for Sonskyn found in Malach 4:6, "His preaching (referring to Elijah) will turn the hearts of parents to their children, and the hearts of children to their parents."

The Lord then gave me 2 words as direction for our family this season: RESTORING BROKENNESS

Many children from the brown community in South Africa are absent of fathers, and in
some instances, parents altogether.  Drugs and alcohol run ramped in the townships,
even amongst the children.  Kids drop out of school early and never finish.  Many children are headed towards the same cycle of poverty that their parents are raising them up in.  They deserve hope!  They need
physical and spiritual fathers/mothers to love them, accept them, teach them, disciple them, be intentional and engaged with them...the list goes on.  To give you an example, we know of a father who is willing to give up his child like it's no big deal.  This is not acceptable.

How do you reach a fatherless community and restore brokenness?  One person
at a time!

On December 14, 2015, I wrote the following journal entry:

During worship my heart was torn between living here on the farm and being in Sonskyn.  My desire is to be in Sonskyn to live.  God, do you want us on this farm?  If so, why?  We
don't need "stuff" to bless people or shine
your light.  I'm willing to give it all up - sell it all again or give it away.  What is YOUR
purpose for this farm other than to feed people with??  How can we change the 
community of Sonskyn if we're not in it much?  What immediately came to my mind 
was, "Start with ONE."
Sooooo, we start with ONE!  We didn't come here with a specific agenda because it would keep us from being fully used by the Lord.  We came here to love - that is our agenda - no matter what love looks like. We'd like to have a home for abandoned children, and in time we believe we will, but until then we trust the Lord to guide our steps and use us however He wishes.  In the last month or so He's highlighted Psalm 127, "Unless the Lord builds a house, the
work of the builder is useless."  We are not here to build a ministry.  We want God to be the architect of what we do.  We are here to further the gospel by being the hands and feet of Jesus!

"Count the cost; give up your freedom to do whatever you want and decide instead to
live your life in obedience to God and allow God to use you." - A Cry From the Streets 

The Lord has connected us with a pastor in Sonskyn that has the same heart and vision
as we do - to bring transformation to Sonskyn.  To see captives set free.  To see people healed.  To see relationships restored.  To see people turn to THE Father. We will share at a later time what the Lord has planned with this connection, but we are very excited to partner with the local spiritual leaders here to bring the Kingdom of God to Sonskyn and nearby townships.

I will leave you with this post I recently saw on Facebook from a pastor and
friend of ours:

Luke 18:8 "I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly.  However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?"  How many of you know it doesn't take faith to believe that things are getting
worse?  What does require faith?  Hope.  Restoration of families.  Sons and daughters
turning their hearts back to Fathers.  Freedom of captives.  Healing.  We have an
assignment!" - #creatingculture #meant4more -  Adam Cooke

What kind of culture are you creating?!  You have an assignment.  What are you doing to fulfill it?!