Being out on the mission field overseas has been very stretching when it comes to finances, but it has also broken off the mindset that I can only bless others when I have excess. I’ll touch more on that in a minute. Mine and Josh’s heart is to have homes for abandoned children and to feed the poor, but on paper we barely have enough money to sustain our own family for the next couple of months. We also recently found out that the owner of our car will be coming to get it on January 25th. He has been so gracious to us, allowing us to keep his car much longer than expected, so we are truly grateful. We are being placed in impossible situations where only God can get us through.
We fight to take captive every negative thought that would try to discourage us or get us to doubt why the Lord sent us here to Africa. We cancel the lies of the enemy that tell us we’ll never have enough resources to do what God has put on our hearts to do. If we listen to those lies, then the enemy wins.
So, rather than retreating to the old mindset, I am choosing to keep my mind and heart focused on the Lord and His promises. In our family, I’m the budgeter and bill payer so when the enemy says, "You can't use your money to buy food for the poor. That is foolish. You need it for rent next month," I remind myself of the truths found in James 2:14-17. It reads:
“What’s the use of saying you have faith if you don’t prove it by your actions? That kind of faith can’t save anyone. Suppose you see a brother or sister who needs food or clothing and you say, ‘Well, good-bye and God bless you; stay warm and eat well,’ but then you don’t give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do?”
In visiting the townships, God has put people in our lives that have very little. Their food for the day sometimes consists of nothing or porridge. We were just informed the other day that one of the boys we minister to, Tyron, was seen scrounging for food out of the trash and a dog dish. This is NOT right! I cannot sit back and think, “Poor me. We have little monthly support coming in; not enough to meet our needs. What are we going to do?” when I see others who are far worse off than I am that have no hope. No, I will NOT sit back and do nothing and ignore God’s word!
A few weekends ago we invited a precious family from Sonskyn to come stay at the farm with us for the weekend. You’re going to read about this family a lot, as the Lord has created a special place in our hearts for them. Edwin and Ronel brought their 9-year old son, Renaldo, and 2 cousins with them. They slept in the extra flat while the children slept in the main house with us. They enjoyed healthy meals. They enjoyed eating at a kitchen table. They enjoyed taking a hot shower and would have probably even been happy with a cold one. I don’t know of anyone that has a shower in Sonskyn. They simply wash with a rag and water bucket, so washing in a shower is priceless. These things might seem simple to you, but to this family they meant a great deal. Edwin was diagnosed with TB and HIV about 2 years ago. He is at a stage 4, which is the highest. The virus has caused blindness in both eyes. His wife led him to the Lord almost 2 years ago where he was freed of alcoholism. She married him even after he became blind. She has a heart of gold! Edwin used to have a good job but can no longer work because of his eyes. Ronel just started working again and is expecting a baby in March. She also has TB, which often times leaves her tired. Now, before I continue, some of you might be thinking, “Oh my goodness. Don’t you know TB is highly contagious?” I will respond with this, “How are we to show the love of God to others (the sick) if we’re afraid of what they have?!” We pray and use wisdom in certain situations but are not going to stop loving the ones God places before us.
We’ve been able to bless this family with food and fresh produce from our garden. After their weekend at our farm, Edwin had a check-up and the doctor said his numbers look great. Edwin shared how we’d been feeding him healthy foods that will help to strengthen his immune system to fight off sickness. The doctor said he was lucky to have people like us helping him. Edwin gave all the glory to God and said it was God who has blessed him. Edwin has such a humble heart. We are praying for and believing for a miraculous healing in his body! Please join us in prayer for that.
We also invited 6 boys to stay at the farm for a night. That was great fun. We enjoyed time down at the river, hanging out and watching movies together. They, too, enjoyed fresh showers and eating well-rounded meals. Josh was presented with a teaching opportunity on “what love looks like”. One boy, in particular, gets picked on a lot. It also seemed like he hadn’t eaten in days by the way he devoured his and others’ food. In this culture, boys have learned to respond physically to each other (throwing punches). It happened on a few occasions at the farm, but Josh put that to a stop quickly. Seeds being planted.
Ronel lives out James 2:14-17 and Matthew 25:35-40. Even when she has little to eat, she offers what she has to a sweet, little boy whom I’ve come to love named Tyron. He is 11-years old with downs syndrome.
I’ve shared about him before. He has a younger brother, 3-years old, named Leroy. Their parents are alcoholics. Tyron frequently begs for food and often smells from uncleanliness. The week before last Josh invited their family to attend a Christmas church service with us in Groot Brak. Andres, the husband, said he’d like to come. We didn’t know if he was sincere, sober enough to remember or would actually show up. On Christmas Eve we delivered some food and gifts to them. It was great fun to see the excitement on Tyron’s face when he unwrapped his new ball. Every time we come to Sonskyn he asks us for a ball. Now he has his own! Martha, the wife, asked me if we were still going to church the next day on Christmas. I told her yes! I was ecstatic that she was approaching me about it. That showed me that her desire was there. Josh made arrangements for us to meet in Sonskyn the next morning and ride the bus together. When we showed up on Christmas Day, no one was home, but eventually Martha came walking down the street all dressed up and ready to go. My heart soared! She and her husband smelled of alcohol and had hangovers, but we still got to spend the day loving on them and their children. During the church service, I sensed that the boys hadn’t slept well. As I was holding Leroy, I prayed that if he was lacking rest, that the Lord would give him peace and rest and silence out any noise. Immediately his eyes closed and he went right to sleep, yay God! A simple prayer. Of course, I took advantage of the situation and began to pour out blessings over his life in prayer and declarations!
We are believing that seeds were planted in this family – seeds of hope, love and truth. We will be frequenting their house often. One lady said we need to adopt the children – take them away from their parents. My heart is that the parents will come to know the Lord and be set free from their addictions so they can take care of their own children. We want to see the community of Sonskyn changed, one family at a time!
If the Lord places it on your heart to join efforts with us in blessing those in Sonskyn and throughout South Africa, a tax-deductible donation can be made online at by designating funds for Josh & Mindy Mason – Mossel Bay, South Africa. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.
Many people make life so complex, but it’s really quite simple – love God, love people! Today, what are you going to do to make the simple gospel known to others? Here is a quote from a story I read today, “The world has enough people that look the other way. What the world needs is disciples of Jesus that can follow His teachings and live as He did. When will YOU decide to become disciples?”