It’s unbelievable to think that we’ve been living in South
Africa for 1 year now. On September 5th,
2014, our family left everything behind in the States to follow God’s leading
for our family to move to Africa. We
never knew where we’d end up, and now look, God has planted us in Mossel Bay,
South Africa, on a beautiful farm!
I think back to when we first arrived in Pretoria, South
Africa, to a beautiful 10+ bedroom home with a swimming pool. At first I struggled with being content in
such an enormous house because I wanted “less”.
I gave up everything in America with the mindset that eventually we’d be
landing in Pemba, Mozambique in a home with molding walls, extreme
temperatures, lack of power/water, and lots of rice and beans to eat! In my heart I was ready for that, ready for
less to receive “THE more”. So, when we
ended up in what looked like a mansion to me, I thought, “God, this isn’t right. This is
too much. I want to be living in the
dirt right now.” That is when He
reminded me of some profound truth. The
conditions under which I serve don’t matter.
What matters is the condition of my heart, simple as that! He told me that I don’t need to be living in
the dirt for Him to use me to further His Kingdom. So there you have it! It doesn’t matter where you are living or
what those conditions are like. He simply
wants to use you as a vessel….He simply wants YOU! Let’s put off the armor of false humility and
instead simply be obedient to what the Lord’s asking us to do. There’s no comparison. Whether He sends you across the world or
simply across the street, be available for Him!
When we moved to the children’s base at Footprints and
shared one room with our 4 children and had a community bathroom and kitchen, I
actually enjoyed it. In Philippians
4:10-14 Paul talks about being content and learning to live on almost nothing
or with everything. Whether his stomach was
full of food or empty, whether he had much or little, he was happy. No matter what his conditions were, he learned
to have a happy heart and not become too comfortable in his conditions because God
gives and takes away. I’m thankful to be
in a place of contentment no matter what my circumstances or conditions are. If I have little, I celebrate God’s
goodness. If I have much, I celebrate
God’s goodness. If God gives me more
than I asked for or expected, I celebrate God’s goodness without feeling
Now, this doesn’t mean we just sit back, live a passive life
and then expect God to “magically” provide for our every needs. God tells us to let our needs be known, to trust Him to provide what we need when
we need it and then be content in the waiting.
The Gager family would like to have a table and chairs in their living
quarters so that, when desired, their family can gather around the table and
eat meals together or do devotions just as a family from time to time, but we
did not feel we were supposed to go and buy one right away. They are learning to be content with what
they have and only try to purchase things when God says to or gives peace about
it. Well, yesterday Josh received a
phone call from a guy that is clearing out a prayer room and said that there’s
a table available (plus other furniture and lumber) and it’s ours for the
taking (FOR FREE) if we want it. It
seats 10-12 people. Praise God! Not everyone has storage space to put their
clothes away in so they’re using suitcases and learning to be content until the
Lord provides. We are living on complete
faith when it comes to finances. We didn’t
“fundraise” prior to moving to Africa because we didn’t feel the Lord’s leading
on that. God has placed it on people’s
hearts to help support us on the mission field, and for that we are extremely
grateful. If one week we have tacos for
dinner but the next week we’re eating potatoes and vegetables for every meal because
that’s all we can afford to buy, then we’re content and celebrate His goodness
for providing food on the table.
God knows the difference between our needs and our
wants. He promises to provide for our
needs, and there are times when He gifts us with our wants too because He’s a
daddy that knows how to give His children gifts. The question to ask yourself is what is your attitude or appetite like when
you don’t get what you want or are always wanting more or bigger and better? Do you have great needs, or are you discontented
because you don’t have what you want? If
you always want more, ask God to remove that desire and teach you contentment
in every circumstance. He will supply
all your needs, but in a way that He knows is best for you. Be content whether you have plenty or are in
need by relying on God’s promises and Jesus’ power to help you.
Some of you have been asking what
our current needs are on the mission field.
Other than general funds needed to live simply as missionary families
overseas, below are some items we have been praying over collectively as a
Own Land: We believe God placed us on this farm to begin the next
steps of our vision in providing a safe place for children, especially troubled
teens, to come to and know what the Father’s love looks like. This is to be a place of healing and
restoration for the abandoned, rejected, lost and broken. In order for us to move forward with more
permanent decisions and steps in our vision, we must first obtain the funds to
purchase the land.
Water: We
continue to experience blockage in our water line which leaves us without water
supply on occasion. The previous tenant
also took the pipe leading into the servant’s quarters so we are in need of a
new one for water. There is also a lot
of sediment in the bottom of the tanks which leaves our water looking quite brown. We're looking into various ways to solve this problem with new pipes/pumps/tanks, but if all else fails, we may need to look into digging a well for long-term use...but only if we own the property.
Outreach Items: We
would like to be a blessing as we go into the townships. We never know from week to week what the Lord
is going to have us do, but some things He has laid on our hearts is to provide
food as needed, worship with the children, build relationships through fun activities
(i.e. sidewalk chalk, face painting, rugby) and show the Jesus film. We are in need of a generator and
screen/projector to show the film, a portable sound system and some djembes for
If you feel led to help contribute
in any way, you can make a tax-deductible donation online at
We also list our current needs with
greater details and costs on our non-profit organization site: Thank you for taking the time to
read and pray over these items. Last
night I was reminded of the verse in Acts 3:6, “Silver and gold have I none, but I’ll give you what I do have….” Even when we don’t have as much funding
as we’d like or are unable to give tangible gifts to those we minister to, we are
never in lack because we still have the best gift to offer….Jesus! He is what everyone needs!
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