As we said our goodbyes, one of the guys gave me a hug and handed me some papers that were folded up. He tends to be quiet and didn’t say a word but just smiled at me…..which said 1,000 words! As he walked off, I opened the papers and my heart melted. This guy, whom the Lord made a special place in my heart for the day I met him, likes to draw. I found this out a few weeks ago and had told him that I’d like to see some of his drawings someday. Well, today of all days, he decides to bring some and GIVE them to me!! Again, I felt very honored that he’d give them to me. He didn’t even know beforehand that we were leaving the country and that it was going to be our last gathering with them for 2 months…..but God knew! God treasures our hearts, and we felt like He was saying, “I know you’re sad about leaving, but here is my gift to you…….an outpouring of My love and honor.” We left that night with such joy in our hearts!
We have such momentum going with these guys in building
relationships, so the thought of leaving for 2 months didn’t excite us in the
least. However, they have decided to
continue having their weekly gatherings on Tuesday in honor of what we
started! In addition to that, one of the
guys asked the parole officer if they could come to the airport to welcome us
back home when we return on June 9th (which, coincidentally is a
TUESDAY – the nights we meet on). The
driver made a deal with them. He said
that it’s “all or nothing” – either they ALL show up as a team and head to the
airport or not. The guys were all
excited and said they’d ALL be there!!
We’ll be praying for that because we’re genuinely going to miss them.
In the last few days leading up to our departure, the Lord “surprised”
us with 2 more divine appointments. On
Monday morning we had a meeting with the parole officer just to discuss how
things were going and plans for moving forward.
During that time, a guy came into her office and she introduced us to
him. It turns out he’s on fire for the
Lord and has worked in the adult prisons for 25 years. His role is to prepare people for
parole/transition back into the community.
Our heart is to provide housing and mentoring to guys transitioning out
of prison. The two go hand-in-hand! Then on Wednesday Josh met with a guy who is
a recovering tik/meth addict who has volunteered in the prison system for the
last 8 years after getting clean. He
also works for the local government as a rural development officer and is
connected to all of the farmers and land owners in the smaller
communities. Basically, what this means
is that we have a local that can help us to find land for the vision the Lord
has given us!!! In talking further, it
turns out that this guy’s heart is to also be involved with transition
homes. He said the meeting raised his
spirits and encouraged him that he’s on the right path. The Lord is connecting us with people who
have like-hearts in what the Lord has placed on our hearts to do, and it is so exciting
to witness all of the pieces coming together.
With such short notice of having to leave the country, you
can imagine how quickly we had to jump on booking our plane tickets. Well, unfortunately, we have the holiday
weekend against us which limited our options because a lot of flights were full
or really expensive. We were able to
find a great deal on tickets to get us from here into Johannesburg. However, it’s requiring us to stay overnight
in Joburg for 3 nights. We wanted to
avoid staying in a hotel because of the cost, which ended up being higher than
expected, but were unable to find anyone with connections in Joburg that would
be willing to house us. So, hotel it
is. We will arrive in Joburg tomorrow
evening then fly out @ 7:15pm to Seattle (with a 4-hour layover in Dubai). We are scheduled to arrive in Seattle on
Tuesday, April 7th @ 1pm local time.
Flights into Boise were going to cost us $1k, but the Lord surprised us
again with Matt Gager’s generous willingness to rent a vehicle then drive all
the way from Boise to Seattle to pick us up!!
We will then turn around and drive back that same day, which will put us
back in Boise around 2-3am. Please pray
that our internal clocks adjust very quickly to all the time changes and
traveling. Also, please keep Matt in
your prayers as he and his son, Eric, make the long drive to get us.
We met with the owner of our house today to explain our
situation in person. Let’s just say, we
are grateful to have a house to come back to and he’s not giving us the boot! He’s been very understanding. We paid rent upfront through the end of
May. Bummer that we’re paying for a
house that we won’t be in for 2 months, but that’s just how things go. We’re grateful the house and our vehicle will
be looked after. The owner is also going
to turn on the alarm system while we’re away.
I’ve completed all of our packing and am thrilled that we
only have 5 checked bags instead of 12, wahoo!!
It seems surreal that we’re headed back to the States, but we’re looking
forward to the trip with JOY in our hearts because the Lord’s ways are higher
than our own and we know He’s up to something good! So, I leave you with this: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do
not lean on your own understanding. In
all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. Proverbs 3:5-6
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