Tuesday, December 8, 2015

An Opportunity to Give - Christmas 2015

I am in the middle of writing another update on some things the Lord has been showing us about “restoring brokenness”, but in the meantime, there have been some families that have been highlighted to us at Sonskyn Valley that we’d like to bless this Christmas season.  Here is what we currently know about these families.

Family #1 – We met Edwin & Ronel about a month ago when her mother flagged Josh down in Sonskyn, introduced him to them and asked him to pray.  They both have TB and HIV.  The virus caused Edwin to become blind about 2 years ago.  His wife of almost 2 years, Ronel, led him to the Lord around this same time, and now they carry such joy!  They both have been freed of alcoholism and drugs, and we know God has a great plan for both of their lives.  Ronel has a 9-year old son, Renaldo, from a previous relationship, and she and Edwin are currently expecting a baby boy around March.  They live in meek conditions in a home that barely fits all of us in a room to pray.  They share one bed amongst all of them, and if they have enough food, will enjoy 2 meals a day…mostly consisting of plain maize (pap).  We love spending time with them and are enjoying getting to know them more.
Family #2 – We met the oldest child of this family on the first day our family went to Sonskyn back in July.  Tyron, a boy with downs syndrome, is such a pleasure to be around.  His silliness makes me laugh a lot.  We see him every time we go to Sonskyn, and it truly blesses my heart.  We know he doesn’t receive much affection, and many are actually quite abusive to him physically and verbally.  We have been told that Tyron begs for food most days because he isn’t cared for at home and both parents are severe alcoholics.  It is common for him to sleep in various different homes too.  He also has a younger brother, Leroy, whom I met a couple of weeks ago.  I’m guessing he is about 2-years old.  We had been praying for God to show us where this family lives, and He finally led us to their house this past week.  It is one of the worst conditions I’ve seen in Sonskyn – a small shack made of wooden slabs with gaps in between.  I now wonder about them when it rains.  I had the privilege of meeting their mother, Martha.  I understood most of her broken English and asked if we could come back to visit.  She said yes!

I don’t share their stories for you to think, “poor them” or to make you feel guilted into giving.  I share their stories because the Lord has created a special place in our hearts for these families, and we want to do our part in sharing our resources with those in need and provide you with an opportunity to do the same.  Proverbs 14:31 says, “Those who oppress the poor insult their Maker, but those who help the poor honor Him.”  In my study Bible it reads, "God has a special concern for the poor. He insists that people who have material goods should be generous with those who are needy. Providing for the poor is not just a suggestion in the Bible; it is a command that may require a change of attitude and heart."

You may be thinking, “Well, they got themselves into this situation by choices they’ve made.” While some of that may be true, we know that we are commanded to bring love and hope to a broken world.  Jesus is our hope, and we want to share Him in a tangible way through spoken truth, demonstrated love and meeting practical needs – as well as giving gifts to bring smiles to their faces.  We want them to know they are seen and they are loved by our Father in Heaven.  These children did not choose their family or circumstances, and the Lord has shown us that these children are the open door He’s provided us with to bring restoration to these broken families.  Praise God!

These are families that many would treat as outcasts, not give a second glance or simply treat as a lost cause, but that is not how God sees them.  These are families that need hope, that need love, that need truth, that need healing, that need a second chance.  I mean, if you think about it, we were all given a second chance through Jesus Christ.  Why not them?!

If the Lord places it on your heart to join efforts with us in blessing these families this Christmas, a tax-deductible donation can be made online at www.Four18.org by designating funds for Josh & Mindy Mason – Mossel Bay, South Africa.  We will share an update, post-Christmas, on what your generosity went towards in blessing these beautiful families. We will also bless other children as the Lord leads and provides.

Thank you so much for your prayerful consideration in reaching out to these families.  We are grateful and know they will be too!


  1. Just donated online for this awesome Christmas opportunity.... Please use the donation for Christmas Blessings all around! FYI... wish there would have been a "note" box on the donation page... Love you all! Have a most BLESSED Christmas... Pressed down, Shaken, Full, and OVERFLOWING...

  2. Thank you so much!! These families were truly blessed by your generosity! Loves from the Mason Clan.
