Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Practical Needs for Transition

As I sit down to write to you for the first time since we have arrived in South Africa, reflecting back on what God has done in our family’s life over the past 6+ months, I am in awe of how He has provided, protected, counseled, loved, healed and just been simply incredible. Papa God has blown us away with His Glory and bathed us in His unending love! I am composing this simply to let you all know exactly what the Lord has called us to Mossel Bay, South Africa for and to be completely clear about our needs. Please pray as you read this and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you!

If you have been reading our blog posts any time in the past you have been reading the writing of my beautiful and talented bride. She is a gift from heaven to me and our family. Not only is she a really great writer but does so many things for us here. Without her wisdom and love our family would not be able to live the life we do. God has called her to be as much of a warrior as He has called me. She stands right next to me on the front lines and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

If you want to know all the steps we have taken to get to Mossel Bay, you will have to read the previous few posts on our website: http://www.masonfamilymissions.blogspot.com. From the moment we said “yes” to Jesus and made the decision to move again, crazy things have been happening to us. We have experienced GREAT favor. Blossoming out of many divine connections, prayer and worship has come a large vision that we believe you have a part in.

First off, if you haven’t read much about what has been happening, we have a wonderfully gifted family from the States that is moving to Mossel Bay in the near future to join with us in spreading the Father’s love. Their hearts are joined with ours, and we know Papa has much in store for our families here. Please keep them in prayer as they plan and organize to move across the world to join us. As they make their preparations, we are looking for a piece of vacant land to fulfill the vision Papa God has given us. The searching process is in its infancy, but the number 7 stands out to me. I believe He is saying we will be on a piece of land that is 7 hectares (approximately 17 acres).

The need for employment in this area is great. There are thousands without jobs whose lives are ones of difficulty and sorrow. They struggle to have enough money to have food for their families. They struggle to find hope. They struggle to love others because love is absent. There are also those who have served a sentence in prison and are now out. There is a youth prison here in the Mossel Bay area. Through something only God could do, we are now meeting with a group of guys every Tuesday night who are out on parole. Because of their past and choices that they have made, finding employment is extremely difficult. What we feel Papa God saying is that we need to meet as many needs as we can while showing them who Jesus is. One way we can do that is to offer jobs to people willing to work hard while transforming a vacant plot of land into a large-scale vegetable and fruit garden. We want to start by employing people and producing food to bless less fortunate people with. It would be easier to buy a farm that is already functioning with homes/buildings already constructed. However, easy isn’t what we’ve been asked to do. Love isn’t always easy!

After we have procured the land however Papa wants to give it to us, either by us making a purchase or someone giving us the land, we hope to simultaneously build a simple home for our families to live in while getting the “farm” up and running. We are completely open to the timing Papa God has in mind. The last step Papa has revealed to us thus far is another “home” on the land for those coming out of prison, one that is a place of refuge for those who are in “transition” and want to move on from a life of addiction and darkness. Many of the guys we meet with, along with those we have spoken to from the prison and parole division, have expressed that life is exceptionally difficult for those who come out of prison. They usually move back into the situation that tremendously influenced the decisions they made which landed them in prison in the first place. Mindy and I have had a vision to have a “home” for troubled children/teens for many years. We have told God that we are open to His timing, His plan, His idea for the “home”. We believe that His idea is that we open a place for those coming out of prison who want to serve Jesus and let Him change their lives. Needless to say, we are EXCITED!!!!!  For those that don’t know my dad, Renn, he has been involved in loving those who suffer from addictions for 35+ years and still disciples current and ex-inmates.  In fact, my parents lived in and managed a transition home when I was born.  I believe he has left a great heritage for us, and I am honored that the Lord is passing the baton to our family!

Practically speaking, here is where we stand. Our monthly financial need to live here in Mossel Bay is around $1,400 US. God is so good that He’s placed it on people’s hearts to support us financially as long-term missionaries.  We currently receive an average of $200-$300 monthly in donations. We have a car that someone is lending to us for a few months but will need a bigger one soon. We are praying for a van to transport our family and others, as needed. The price on that will be no less than $15,000 US here. Cars are more expensive in SA. Land is relatively inexpensive here. I have asked the Lord how much to pray for, as far as what price range to look at, and He has responded with $100,000 US. I believe we can buy land and prepare it for planting with this amount of $$. Looking at building costs for homes, they are much cheaper than in the US but we haven’t created a plan and my guestimate would be around $35-$40,000 US for materials and furnishings for a home adequate enough.

What does this all mean? I’m glad you asked! It means that our needs are great but our God is greater. It means we have no idea what we are doing or how the money will come in, but He sure does and He is the God of the impossible. It means that we are in fluid motion with His plans, but He is a solid rock and knows exactly what He is doing. It means our ears and hearts are open and listening intently and that He is speaking. It means that He is calling people to partner with Him. It means that we trust Him with EVERYTHING!

If you haven’t prayed as you read, please take a moment and pray! Honor Him in your prayer as this is His plan, not ours. Ask Papa God to show you His plan for your life! For those who might be reading that know about this Jesus that we follow but don’t actually know Him, get to know Him! He will rock your world as He has done to us! He will show you love as you have never known! His plan for your life is much crazier than you can ever imagine!

Lastly, if the Lord puts it on your heart to help out in any way, know that our hearts are simply to love people. One way to support us is financially: http://www.masonfamilymissions.blogspot.com/p/contribute_22.html. The other way is through prayer and encouragement.  And, please continue to stay updated with us. Some exciting news is coming soon!!

Josh (and family)

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