Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Unexpected Visit to the States

With mixed emotions, we’d like to announce that we’ll be heading back to the States rather quickly, as we found out yesterday that our visas were rejected and we have 10 business days to exit the country before having to pay a fine.  Long story short, we came to Africa on a tourist visa but are needing to change our visa type to a volunteer visitor’s visa for an extended stay of 3 years (that’s the maximum they offer).  The only way we can do that is by applying for it from our country of origin, the US.  It’s a bit disappointing that we paid $1K for our initial visa application, only to find out that we would have never been granted it in the first place, regardless of whether or not all of our documents were in place….. but God!  He uses everything for good to those that seek out His heart and perspective in life’s unexpected circumstances.

We are excited to see everyone but are also sad to leave the guys we’ve been mentoring, our friends, amongst other things.  However, we know the Lord was preparing our hearts for this because He spoke to me back in December that something significant was going to happen in the month of April.  He never told me exactly what that was, but now I know a small part of it!  Towards the end of February and the week following, I had felt a tug of war going on in my spirit and felt “off”.  Thoughts of being in the States had been entering my mind, but honestly, our family did not have the desire to return to the States quite yet.  We love it here – this is home and this is where our hearts are.  I wondered why, out of nowhere, I began thinking about the States and even us being at different places/churches there.  I remember sharing these thoughts with Josh not thinking much of it.  The other day Josh was also prompted by the Holy Spirit to look at flights back to the States, and that was a day or two before we even received the results of our visas.

So, with all that said, we know the Lord is in it and steps need to be taken as part of the preparation for what’s to come here in Mossel Bay, South Africa.  We are trusting Him and allowing Him to orchestrate what needs to take place in order for us to move forward with the vision He’s given us, and if that means coming back to the States then so be it.  It is a bit of a setback financially, as it will take everything we have left to make this trip, but again we are trusting the Lord for His provision.  Josh was leaning towards purchasing a one-way ticket into the States with no scheduled return flight back to Africa (at least until we were “comfortable” with finances), but this morning I woke up at 2am and was sensing that the Lord was asking us to look up round-trip tickets.  The return date of June 7th was also highlighted to me.  We have peace and unity about this direction, and so as it stands, we will be in the States for 2 months, arriving on April 7th and departing on June 7th.

I’m thankful that we don’t have much to pack, as we’ll be leaving most of our stuff here, so it will be quite the enjoyable trek not lugging around a bunch of luggage!!  We’ve already paid for our rent through the end of May and have someone to look over our house/car while we’re away.  All of the little details seem to be coming together nicely.  Although it’s a bit of a shock for our family, we are choosing to stay in a place of peace and joy.  Why would we choose anything else?!?!  We serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!

For those that feel led to pray, we ask for your prayers in peaceful travels, confidence in the Lord’s hand in this, revelation on how to steward our time while in the States, replenishing of finances, divine appointments, a place to stay while we’re there (along with access to a vehicle) and so forth.

Sien jy gou! (“see you soon” in Afrikaans)

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