Monday, June 10, 2013


We have witnessed so many miracles and seen God’s power and love move in many supernatural ways.  A personal miracle that our team has experienced is the multiplication of $$.  We have kept track of our spending, and on Sunday Josh went to go get some money to give to someone for the purchase of more food.  It turns out that we have a few hundred dollars more than we should, praise God!  He has multiplied and stretched our money so that we can bless others and be free to pour out finances upon them as we feel led.  What’s really cool is that Josh was asked to pray over the offering, and one of the things he prayed for was multiplication of the offering.  Little did we know that God was going to multiply our team's own finances as well...  He is so good and faithful!  When we began this journey, most of the team didn’t even have money to purchase plane tickets, and yet God provided.  When we left the states, we had a little money left over to bless people but not much.  It has always been on our heart to bless the people here, and so we have been walking in faith and releasing the resources God has given us onto those in need.  In turn, He has multiplied the financial resources He has given us because of our obedience and trust in Him.

For those that may be struggling with finances, trust that He will provide.  Give when He tells you to give, even if the numbers don’t add up in your head or you think you will lack because of it.  Pour His resources into His Kingdom, and watch as He does a mighty work through you for your obedience.  Many think that they have to go get better jobs or work multiple jobs to be okay financially.  Most of the time we take these steps because of a lack of trust in the Lord, or we aren’t willing to let go of things that we just don’t need.  Now, this doesn’t mean we should just quit our jobs and expect God to take care of us, but as you follow His lead in your life He will ALWAYS take care of you and guide your next steps.  In this past year the Lord has shown me and Josh how to be fully dependent on Him instead of trusting in our own capabilities and work.  This revelation has allowed God to move freely in our lives however He pleases.  Are there times where it can be uncomfortable or stretching, yes, but we fully trust Him in our lives and daily yield our lives to Him.  Walk out your faith and ask God to silence all other voices, even your own, so that you can hear Him more clearly and seek His wisdom and direction for your life.
Another miracle that I am praying for is the healing of Josiah’s eyes.  He is scheduled for eye surgery on both eyes on June 27th, but we believe for complete healing on his eyes.  On Monday, June 10th (yesterday for us), I interceded for healing on Josiah’s behalf while Josh prayed.  I felt led to cover my eyes with both hands.  For those of you that haven’t read past blogs, I’ve been having problems with my eyes since the first morning we’ve been here.  Yesterday I felt like the Lord was reminding me to pray for Josiah’s eyes because of the problems I’ve been having with my eyes – a word of knowledge so-to-speak.  The moment Josh and I prayed, my eyes have been great!  We didn’t even pray for my eyes – just Josiah’s.  We believe and are standing in agreement that the Lord is healing Josiah’s eyes and that the healing will come to full completion so he won’t need surgery.  Thank you for standing in agreement with us.  May God be glorified for this miracle that is happening in little Josiah!!

May you experience the love and power of God’s supernatural touch in your life today!  Remember to live one day at a time and don’t worry about tomorrow.  Give your all to Him TODAY!!

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