Sunday, June 9, 2013

Youth Night & Demons Gone

After lunch on Saturday we went to Kepirohi Falls, which was about 1 1/2 hours from where we were staying.  The trail we walked down was absolutely beautiful!  We met Welson's family there.  Everyone but Christian and I got in the water.  John and Josh climbed to the top of the waterfall and prayed over the land/falls and commanded all evil spirits to flee.  It was a great time!  While there the Lord gave me a picture/word for Josh tonight for our youth gathering.  I saw a blue sky with 2 birds flying.  The word for Josh was to let the Holy Spirit move freely, like a bird, and to hold nothing back.  Part of what Josh shared from was in 1 Timothy 6:11-13, and he talked about community living, relationships and building each other up.  He had the guys build a human pyramid which was lots of fun.  This was to demonstrate that sometimes we are at the bottom and  others are at the top, but we need each other to make a strong family - to encourage and lift each other up.  Josh asked if anyone had pain or was tired.  Many stood up.  He asked those that were still sitting to pray for those standing.  I was led across the room to a girl who said she had lower back pain.  I laid hands on her back and declared healing and strength to the bones and muscles.  She said she could still feel pain so I continued to pray and asked the Lord to remove burdens she is carrying and to pour out His light yolk and peace upon her.  After that she said her back was good, healed - praise Jesus!  Josh then asked if anyone had pain/hurt in their heart, and if so, to come to the front and we can pray for them.  A few stood up and then more.  The same girl I prayed for earlier came to the front again for prayer.  I, again, felt led to pray for her.  I asked if she wanted to share what was causing pain/hurt in her heart, but she remained silent.  I asked the Holy Spirit to reveal things to me and to give me words to pray over her.  He led me to wrap my arms around her and simply embrace her with the Father's love.  She began to weep so I comforted her and told her things were going to be okay and released God's love on her.  She bent over and began to weep, wail and cough uncontrollably.  I prayed against any tormenting spirits and asked for the Lord's peace to come upon her.  A spirit of oppression was fleeing from her body as she was coughing it out.  Her coughing slowed and she stood up.  I told her that God loves her and she is valuable.  She began leaning back and losing balance of her body so I laid her down on the ground.  She was weeping and shaking.  We were able to cast out tormenting demons from her body and replace them with a spirit of love and peace from Heavenly Father.  She was freed by the power and love of God, hallelujah!!

In Matthew 10:3 Jesus commands His disciples to heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy and cast out demons.  Give as freely as you have received!  How incredible it is to walk out His word in faith and see His power and love show up in people's lives that are hungry for Him!!

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